Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,89

he’s talking about my blush, and that makes my cheeks flush even further. Is it really that obvious?

We get back to our desks to find a flurry of people coming in and out of Jake’s office. It makes me smile inside to know he’s trying his level best to get this psycho caught. I also know he’s deliberately keeping me well away from it all. It’s then I remember Matthew, so I pick up my phone to text Jake.

Me: Did Matthew get to school OK?

I’m booting up my computer when I get a text back.

Jake: Yes, he’s fine. Miss you.

My heart explodes, and I can’t escape the stupid grin on my face.

Me: I miss you too. Do you want me to come into the office and show you just how much?

I wait for a response, and it soon comes.

Jake: You’re going to get a smacked ass if you’re not careful. Now get back to work! xx

I giggle, loving the fact he told me off but then left two kisses at the end of his text.

I sigh but proceed on with my schedule of things to do. I’m so engrossed in reading my emails, when I feel a hand upon my shoulder. I jump, looking up to find Tony.

“Hi, Tony. Are you okay?” I ask, noticing he doesn’t look it.

He nods, grabbing a chair to sit with me. “I haven’t been feeling very well lately. I must have caught a bug or something.”

I reach up and place my hand on his forehead. As I touch him, he closes his eyes. Maybe that was a little too informal of me under the circumstances, but I can’t help but care. “You do seem to be running a temperature. Have you taken anything for it? I may have some Advil in my bag if you want it?”

He shakes his head before slumping in his chair. “You’re always looking out for other people, but no one is looking out for you.”

I frown, not sure where he’s coming from. “There’s no need to worry about me. I’m fine … always am.” I try to smile at him as best I can, but he still looks a little sad.

Jessie turns round to face us both. “Man, you look like shit. Don’t come near me. I don’t want to catch whatever it is you’ve got.” I shake my head. Jessie’s being her kind and considerate self as always. “What?” she asks, shrugging her shoulders. “I’m just saying.”

Tony stands up to move away, so I call after him. “I hope you feel better soon, Tony. Come back if you decide you want the Advil after all, okay?” He nods at me, smiling before walking off.

“Jeez, he looks like death. Maybe he knows about you and Jake, and he’s just heartbroken.”

I look at Jessie in wonder. “No, he can’t know. Only you, Michael, and Tom know around here, and you’ve all been sworn to secrecy.”

I turn back to look at my computer when Jessie speaks. “Come out to Sam’s after work? Just the two of us. It’s been a while since we had a drink together.”

I smile, thinking I could do with a couple of drinks with Jessie. I’m sure Jake will be busy after I’ve finished anyway, and he is my ride home. “Okay, that’ll be good.” I pull back to my desk and quickly grab my phone to let Jake know.

Me: Hey, babe. Don’t worry if you need to work late. Going with Jessie to Sam’s after work for a quick drink. xx

I place my phone back on my desk, and I’m just about to start looking through my emails again when I hear his booming voice. “Ana, in my office. Now, please.”

Oops, that doesn’t sound good. What have I done this time?

Jessie turns to face me. “What’s pissed him off? Are you going to soothe the savage beast now?” She arches her brow at me.

I shake my head with a smirk and walk over to his office. When I open his door, Jake’s sitting there hands clasped together in his chair, face like thunder. “Shut the door, please,” he instructs.

I do as he asks, sitting opposite him. “Jake, what’s the matter with you? You seem … agitated.”

He squirms in his chair and huffs at me. “Agitated doesn’t even begin to describe what I’m feeling. I got your text, and no, you are not going to Sam’s after work.”

I stand up, furious at him for his demand. “Don’t you dare tell me what I can and cannot do.

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