Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,87

when they may need to come off at any time.”

He gives me an unimpressed look before walking to the drawer to pick out a lace white thong. He pushes it in my direction. “I’m not going to work with you knowing that you have no panties on. I don’t think I can take it. I need to concentrate.”

I puff at him, but I take the panties from him anyway and put them on. I watch in wonder as he puts a white shirt on with a silk, navy tie and some black trousers. My God, he looks fit. He sweeps his beautiful hair back and stares at me with those piercing eyes of his.

“Why do you always look like something I want to eat?” I find myself asking.

Jake bursts out in laughter. “I can say the same for you too. You look like candy on a stick, and I just want to lick you all over.”

I suddenly get excited at the prospect. “Yes please.”

He comes over to me and kisses me gently. “Don’t tempt me. Are you ready? It’s seven-twenty.” Nodding my head, we make our way downstairs.

Once we eat, we shout goodbye to Matthew, who by the time we are leaving is up and getting ready for school. When I enter the garage, the heat hits me. I have been cooped up in a lovely air-conditioned house for so long I forgot all about how hot it really is out there.

As we get in the car and he starts the engine, Jake grabs my hand, making me look his way. “Are you ready?”

I know he’s asking because of all the shit at work. I nod. “Ready.”

The garage door opens, and we immediately see a squad car outside. As we drive out, we give them a small wave. “Why are they still here?”

“I just want them here until Matthew leaves. He’s going to make sure the house is locked up tight before he heads off to school. I’ve already told him to text me the minute he gets to school, so I know he’s okay.” I nod in agreement. “I’m not taking any chances with this, Ana. Not until it’s finished.”

Once Jake’s parked in his spot, we make our way inside, greeted by everyone along the way. Jake touches my arm goodbye before making his way to the office. I know he feels uneasy about not being able to simply kiss me on the cheek. I guess it’s for the best. With my mother just gone a few weeks it looks bad, but with this killer fixated on me it’s even worse. In a sense, I feel pissed that we have to appease this killer. It’s almost as if we’re trying to calm a petulant child.

I sigh, knowing that life still has to move forward, so I carry on, walking over to where my desk is. An eagerly awaiting Jessie is sitting perched on the edge of her chair. She looks radiant with her red locks bouncing from her fair, rounded face.

“Wow, look at you. You look radiant.”

I chuckle. “Funnily enough, I was just thinking the same thing about you, my dear.”

“I know,” she beams. “I think being in love suits me, don’t you?”

I gasp. “Jessie and Jerry are getting serious?”

She nods. “Yes, who would have thought I would fall for a guy called Jerry Maguire, but he’s perfect. We can’t keep our hands off each other—” She then stops herself suddenly, cocking her eyebrow. “Hey, never mind that for now. Speaking of keeping hands off, spill goddammit! Do you know how hard it has been, waiting to hear everything that has been happening with you during the last three days? You’re driving me crazy!”

A giggle erupts from my lips. “Okay, but first come with me for a coffee. It’s quieter in the kitchen.”

We make our way over to the small room and get ourselves those well-needed coffees. Luckily, we’re on our own.

I turn to her once my coffee’s poured. “It all started on Wednesday night. Jake and I were on his sofa, and we were barely able to contain ourselves.”

Jessie’s eyes bulge. “No shit! Go on.”

“Well, I don’t know how he managed it, but he threw himself off me and started babbling about how what we were doing was wrong, blah, blah, blah. I was just sitting there—horny as hell—and he threw that at me. Naturally, I was pissed. The next day, he was angry with me for flirting with Matthew’s friends, and then, somehow, we ended up having

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