Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,83

his finger at us. “I knew there was something going on between you two. You could feel it in the air. I think I knew it was happening well before any of you did.” He places his hands on his hips like he just gave us a telling off.

“You’re not angry … are you, son?” Jake asks.

Matthew waves his hands as if to say, I don’t give a damn. “I think it’s great.” He then turns his attention to me. “You know I love you, Ana.”

Tears well in my eyes as I bounce up and give him a big hug. “I love you, too, you big lummox.”

He squeezes me back, and we let go. “Does this mean I can call you Mom now?”

I grip his arm. “Hey, one step at a time, buddy. I want to know how your trip went.”

Jake’s smiling proudly at us both. Spotting this, Matthew comes over and gives Jake a big hug too. “I’m happy about this. I really am.”

Jake’s mesmerized by his son’s acceptance of us. It makes me beam inside. I couldn’t be happier than I am right now. It feels as though I’m finally part of a family.

“My trip was great,” Matthew finally answers, pulling me from my thoughts. “We went hiking during the day and camped at night. We ate marshmallows by the fire and told scary stories just so we could stay up all night. It was fun.”

The telephone rings at that point, and Jake heads over to answer it. Matthew takes that opportunity to come over to me again and sit down. “I knew something was definitely up before I left. Dad seemed mad at us for the little prank we played on Clive. He was virtually seething by the time we all left. I felt really bad for you. Did he go ape on you after we left?”

I don’t know quite how to answer this. Yes, he did go ape. He threw me against the wall, pinned me to the bed, and fucked my brains out until I screamed.

I look sheepishly at Matthew and say, “Yes … sort of. We got to talking on Saturday, and things have just developed quickly since then.”

The noise of Jake’s rumbling voice is heard, so we both stop to listen. “Wait, when did this happen?” Matthew and I glance at one another, realizing something’s up. “Who’s down there now? Okay, yes. Ana is here with me, she’s fine. I’ll be right there.” Jake hangs up the phone and starts cursing. Something’s definitely wrong. Finally, he looks at me. “There’s been another murder in Reston. I’ve got to head over there now, but I’ll talk to the boys outside and keep the alarm on the house until I get back, okay? Matthew, it’s important for you to stay here in the house with Ana. Please.”

Matthew nods his head. “Of course. I’m not going anywhere.”

I sit there stunned, rooted to my seat, as Jake walks over to me. He places both hands on my arms and kisses my forehead. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, okay? Ana?”

I shake myself out of it and nod. “Yes, yes of course. You go. I’ll be fine here with Matthew. I’ll help him unpack and get him something to eat.”

He squeezes my arms and grabs his car keys from the bowl. I hear the distinct sound of the alarm, so I know it’s armed. The thought of another girl murdered fills me with horror. What else do we have to endure until we catch this son of a bitch?

Matthew offers me a hug and tries to tell me everything will be okay.

Somehow, though, I have a feeling that it won’t be.


The afternoon goes by quickly—which is kind of welcome. I keep myself busy by making Matthew a sandwich and helping him to put all his stuff away from his trip. I also load up the washing machine and get some much-needed ironing done. It’s all done swiftly as Matthew’s anxious to get a shower, get on with any last-minute homework, and prep for school the next day.

It’s seven by the time I’m sitting down with my feet up, watching Marley and Me. I’m so busy crying my eyes out at the part where Jennifer Aniston’s character loses the baby that I almost don’t hear Jake’s car pulling into the garage.

I dart up, running to the toilet to grab some tissues and dry my eyes. I don’t like people to see me cry over movies. In a

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