Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,81

what we are, but I haven’t left his bedroom since Friday night.”

I hear the gasp and the squeals of excitement through the phone. “You’ve been holding out on me, girl. Now tell me, what’s he like in bed? I imagine he’s quite the animal. Is he an animal?”

A flurry of giggles leave me just as Jake enters the room. I stop abruptly and blush a crimson red. Jake just smiles at me, amused.

“Um, yes and yes.” I don’t know what else to say.

Jessie squeals again. “Hold up, is he there with you?”

I scratch my head. “Yes.” Man, this is getting awkward.

She makes a sound which is clearly meant to represent disappointment through her teeth. “Well, I guess I will have to wait until tomorrow then. But you must promise to tell me all about it then, okay? Oh, and by the way, why does Tom know about this before I do?”

Shit! That is a very good and very valid question. I was hoping she wouldn’t pick up on that. “It’s complicated. I’ll see you tomorrow, and please remember what I said. It’s so important. I will explain all to you then, but you must promise me.” She promises she will, then we say our goodbyes before hanging up.

Jake brings a tray of coffee, toast, and juice, which all smells wonderful. He pours me a cup and hands me over the mug. “That smells wonderful. Thank you.”

He smiles, pours himself a coffee, then starts buttering the toast. He then hands me a slice. “I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that it was Jessie who wanted all the gossip?”

I wince, slightly embarrassed. “Yes. I hope you don’t mind? She said she wouldn’t tell anyone, and she is the closest friend I have.”

He shakes his head. “Look, I’m not judging you. I let it be known to Bill, Tom and Michael. Who am I to say who you can and can’t tell?” I take a bite of the toast, and my mouth instantly waters. I didn’t realize how hungry I’d allowed myself to get. “My only concern is for you, what this fucker wants with you, and catching him as soon as possible before he hurts any more women. He needs to be locked up, or better still, be given a long, slow, torturous death. It’s been going on too long.” I finish my toast, and he quickly butters me another. “You’re starving yourself as well, and it’s not good. You need to eat.”

I sigh, realizing he’s right, but also noting how much has happened in the last forty-eight hours.

I take a sip of my coffee then put it down. “Yes, my caveman. I will be sure to take heed of your advice.” I smile at him, and he smirks back.

“Are you being cheeky with me again?”

I fake gasp. “Heavens no. I wouldn’t dream of it.”

He places the tray on the floor and edges closer to me. “Do you realize just how damn sexy you look right now?” He’s practically purring the words out, making the fire between my legs ignite again.

I take in the last bit of toast and watch as his eyes bury deep into me. My God, he’s a sex-on-legs, hot-as-hell, hunk of a man. How could I ever say no to anything he asks of me?

He edges closer still and leans towards my ear. “Ana,” he whispers seductively.

“Yes,” I breathe, a little unevenly.

“You’re going to have to get naked for me now.”

I don’t hesitate for a second. Before I know it, we’re both naked and having another round of animalistic sex. As soon as we both come, I flop on top of him, panting.

Jake squeezes me into him more. “You’re going to kill me at this rate. I don’t know how much more I can produce, but you have me wanting you over and over. I don’t want to stop. How am I going to cope at work tomorrow?”

I ease myself up and look at him. “I’m sure we can find some way.” I smile, placing a finger on his bare chest, making circular movements as I offer him a cheeky grin.

He stares at me like he’s about to admonish me. “That is one place we cannot do it. No matter how much I will want to. Big no.”

I pout at him. “Spoil-sport,” I whisper. He laughs as I shift off him, the loss unwelcome. I have to get out of bed at some point this weekend.

As I do get out, Jake slaps my

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