Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,79

one behaving like the sensible adult. I think I may have to order you to sneak into my room every night. What do you think about that?”

I laugh and walk out of the bedroom. “Maybe you could convince me.”

Once out of the room, I turn around to give him a cheeky wink. Seeing it, he actually runs towards me, and before I know it, he is holding me to him. He growls in my ear, and it makes me breathless. What exactly is he doing to me that makes me want him so badly?

“I’m sure I can,” he whispers in my ear as he gently nibbles on my earlobe.

I shudder and melt into his arms as he laughs. He obviously loves the way he makes me feel. My body gives me away every time.

Finally, he lets me go and grabs some boxer shorts to put on. All I can do is stand there in a trance, watching him. I snap out of it once he climbs into bed and pats my side.

“Well, what are you waiting for?”

Biting my lip, I quickly walk to the bathroom and towel myself down. I place the towel on the rail and walk back in the room. I want him to have free access to me all night—especially if this is the last night we can freely be together.

I climb in as his appreciative eyes watch my every move. We get into a comfortable position, and soon we are spooning. “You smell so good. It’s intoxicating.”

I bring his hand up, and I nibble at his knuckles. “So do you, Jake. So do you.”


It’s that smell again. I want to vomit but, nothing comes up. I can’t move, and I can’t open my eyes to see.

Where am I?

In the distance, I can hear heavy breathing, so I try to open my eyes to see who it is. My only senses are my smell and my hearing, and both are working overtime. I try to scream, but nothing comes out.

What’s happening to me?

I make an attempt to move, but I’m suddenly pinned down. Oh, God, please no. Not again. Please not this again.

I feel his weight on top of me and his hardness pressed into my groin. I cry out. “No! Please don’t do this to me. Please don’t hurt me!”

A rough hand squeezes my breast and hear a growling noise from his whiskey-infested throat. I want to vomit.

Please, I don’t want this. I’d rather die.

His laughter fills the air, and my fear is heightened further. A hand moves to my mouth and another is tugging at my knickers. I try to wriggle, scream, or kick—anything to just get him off me.

“You know you want me to do this, Ana. Your body’s practically begging for it. Always has. Just accept me like the good little girl you are. You will love it when I fuck you.”

Screaming out, I start aimlessly hitting and kicking—doing everything I can just to get him off me. I’m so disorientated, I don’t know where I am, and all I can think is that Alan is here. I assume Alan’s come to get me. I can still smell the whiskey … and feel him on top of me.

“Ana, Ana, it’s okay. You’re here with me. Ana, it’s Jake, please stop screaming. You’re okay, you’re safe. No one is going to hurt you.”

My eyes fly open as I try to get my bearings. My breathing is harsh and erratic, and my body aches from all the fight in me. I need to focus on Jake’s voice. Nothing but Jake’s voice. I take deep breaths to try and calm down as the tears start to flow.

Oh, God, not again. Not that dream again. Always the same. When will he be gone and out of my head?

Placing his arms around me, I sob into Jake’s chest. I don’t want Jake seeing me like this, but the nightmare was all too real. Too frighteningly real. Twice in a row I have had this dream, and it’s all becoming too much to bear. Is it really Alan doing all of this? I feel it’s him, but I can never see his face. Is he so sick that he’s starting to kill girls who look like me?

As I wonder all this, Jake starts stroking the back of my hair. I close my eyes trying to shut all the bad shit out of my head. I only need to concentrate on this right now.

We sit in silence for a moment,

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