Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,76


Throwing my head back, laughter bubbles out of me. Typical male ego. “You’re impossible, Jake Bennett, but I love—” Oh, shit! I nearly said the word, and I’m pretty sure that would spoil everything, so I say the only thing I can think of in order to complete that disastrous sentence, which is, “—spending time with you.”

Phew, nicely saved there, I think. The only problem is that I have my back to him, so it’s hard to gauge his reaction. I sit in silence as I wait for him to say something. I’m consciously aware that my breathing has slowed.

The silence is killing me, so I blurt out, “Tom thought I was gay.”

Immediately, I feel a cool spray of liquid hit my back and hear Jake start to choke. It becomes apparent that he’d been sipping champagne when I spoke. “Shit. Sorry. He said what?” He washes the sprays off my back before handing me my glass.

Oh, dear, now what?

“Oh, shit—”

“Mouth!” he grunts.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” In my frustration, it just slips out.

I feel him go rigid as he grabs my arms and pulls me down onto him. He holds me there tightly so I can’t move. My breath is forced out of me as my adrenaline spikes. What’s he going to do? I can feel he’s still semi erect, and that causes the fire between my legs to intensify.


“I’m going to let that one slide as I am more intrigued about why Tom thought you were gay. But if you ever swear like that to me again, I will put you over my knee and spank you so hard that you won’t be able to sit for the rest of the day. Do I make myself clear?” His hot breath is close to my ear, and my chest is heaving. My breasts suddenly become very swollen, and my nipples erect just on his barrage of words. I moan out a “Yes.” What is it with Jake and him making me submissive towards him? I always find myself giving in to anything he says.

Satisfied, he lets go of my arms, but I stay laying against him. I don’t want to move. I watch as he brings the sponge forward, dipping it in the water. Once the sponge is wet and soapy, he starts caressing my breasts with it. I moan out loud. God, I want him all over again. When is enough, enough?

“Now you’re going to tell me what Tom said to you.”

I moan again. “Can’t we just—”

He moves the sponge down to my pussy and starts rubbing it there. I cry out again. “Can’t we just … oh, God, Jake, please!”

He abruptly stops rubbing. “No. Not until you tell me.”

He moves back to my breasts, and my throbbing pussy feels the absence of his touch. I can feel just how aroused he is, but he seems to be holding on to some semblance of control. I don’t know how he does it. I just want to grab him and push his beating cock inside of me all over again.

“Because,” I begin before an involuntary scream cuts me off.

“Because what, Ana? Tell me.” His vice-like grip is strong. He knows I can’t move, and he also knows he has all the control.

“Because, I’ve never had a … ahhh … relationship, and I … oh, yes, that’s it!” I feel the sponge down on my pussy again. “Jake, please. You’re going to stop. I know you will.” And, sure enough, he stops again. This man is so infuriating.

“Continue, please.”

He starts up his delicious onslaught again, making sure he’s doing it as slowly and gently as possible. He knows exactly what he’s doing, and it’s killing me.

I start panting heavily. “I was … was … never interested in anyone before.” Jake stops yet again, causing me to cry out, and I nearly elbow him.

“Steady,” he warns. “Now, why weren’t you interested in anyone?” He starts up the rhythm again, and I’m certain that my pussy must look like it’s gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson by now. I know it’s red, swollen, and waiting for his cock.

“Do I have to spell it out?”

The sponge is there, resting so close to the spot that he knows will drive me crazy. I try to wiggle myself closer to it, so that I can get my release, but Jake just pins me tighter to him. “Where do you think you’re going? I want you to answer the question.” He rubs me a little, stops, rubs

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