Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,7

exist. He swallows hard, and I notice his Adam’s apple bob as he inadvertently grips my hand a little tighter than necessary. I gasp, unable to keep my emotions in check. He is only touching my hand, and yet I am a lust-filled mess due to the feelings evoked by that simple contact.

Upon witnessing my reaction, however, he releases his grip and clears his throat. He even looks embarrassed. “As long as you’re feeling okay.” He rigidly faces the bar, and the moment is immediately lost. It’s as if he can’t stand to look at me now.

“I’m fine. Really.” Jake tries to glance my way, but it’s obvious that something is stopping him. There is a brief second filled with an obligatory nod and smile, but soon, his eyes are fixed dead ahead. I gulp and take a few more sips, but I soon realize that this isn’t going to help the situation. Luckily, Jessie and Tony walk in just in time to save the day—or night as the case may be.

Tony slides over to me, but he is a little too close for comfort. Again, I catch Jake glaring at him. Tony notices this as well and bends down to whisper in my ear, “Your dad is being a real pain in the ass today.”

I cringe at his words. “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. He’s just looking out for me. That’s all.”

At that point, Jessie decides to make her presence known. “So which of you handsome young gentleman is going to buy me a drink?”

I roll my eyes at her with a smirk. She’s always so forward.

Tony, anxious to get the mood up, is quick to make the offer. “I’ll get you one.” He looks down at my glass. “Do you want another?”

Glancing down, I realize that my drink is almost empty. When did that happen?

Jake looks down towards my glass, his eyes widening slightly. “You do have work tomorrow.”

I glance up at him and flutter my eyelashes. “Well, I wouldn’t want to upset the boss, now would I?”

He blushes at my comment, and I think I turn the same color after I realize it must have sounded like I was flirting with him.

“That’s exactly what we’re here for. This is the time to let your hair down before going back to the grind. I’ll get you another.”

I smile. “Thanks, Tony.”

The drinks and conversation are soon circulating, and by my fourth gin and tonic, the music seems to be getting louder. “Don’t You Worry Child” comes blaring through the speakers, and Jessie gives a little whoop. I laugh as she bounces over, tugging at my arm. “We’re going dancing, girl!”

I try to resist, but she’s exceptionally strong for such a small girl. Hell, I don’t really want to resist anyway. The drinks are flowing, making me brave. So, without another thought, I get up and start dancing. After a while, I can’t stop laughing.

Remembering where Jake is, I glance over and see all the men propped up at the bar, watching us. My eyes land on Jake’s intense stare straight away. It’s so hypnotic that I almost falter. Instead, I suck in another much-needed breath and give him a cheeky smile.

Boy, I am getting courageous! I have now flirted with him twice in one evening.

I carry on dancing without a care when Justin Timberlake’s “Rock Your Body” follows after.

As if in sync with each other, Jessie and I start swaying our hips to the beat. One of the guys from work, James, can’t seem to resist the fun and glides over, starting to gyrate behind Jessie. He’s another good-looking detective, who reminds me of a young Denzel Washington. I would never actually tell him that as he may start getting a big head. He may also think I’m coming on to him, and James doesn’t need any encouragement in that department.

Suddenly, two hands land on my hips, and I’m shocked by the unwelcome feeling of a crotch pushing into me from behind. I turn to face whoever it is. I expect to see Tony, so I’m shocked to discover that it’s a man I have never met before. The guy has spiky, dark blond hair and a silly drunken grin on his face. He finally takes his eyes off my body long enough to make eye contact. “Hey, sexy. Mind if I dance with you?”

My once happy, carefree mood suddenly vanishes. Who does he think he is? “Actually, I do mind. Would you please get your hands off

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