Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,61

wondering what to say. “We were just. I mean, we were—”

It’s then I feel Jake’s hand lightly touching my cheek. It immediately stuns me into silence. I stop, look into Jake’s eyes, and smile. He’s telling me he doesn’t care.

Staring intently into his eyes, I suddenly forget where I am. This man is so beautiful, and he’s mine.

All mine.

I feel like I’m under his spell, and boy, what a wonderful spell to be under! All parts of me from my heart to my body to my soul—you name it—are completely his and only his.

“Well, we won’t keep you any longer. But before we go, I really must say that it is about time! I’m so happy for you both. I really am.” I’m snapped back to reality when Bill speaks.

Bill extends his hand to Jake, and he accepts it wholeheartedly. “Thank you, Bill.”

“You kids take care now.” Alison gives her best winning smile, and off they go.

I turn to Jake with a frown. “You don’t mind that he knows?”

He grabs my hand. “I told you, I don’t give a shit about it anymore. Bill is a good man; he won’t be spreading this around like gossip. I trust him to see us how we are.”

I carry on eating my frozen yogurt, transfixed on Jake and wondering just how ‘we are’. I decide in the end that I just want to enjoy these moments. Despite longing for this man for a year now, we only just got it together yesterday.

Baby steps.

“Just looking at you eat that yogurt is making me twitch. What are you doing to me?”

I brandish the most innocent smile I can muster. “I don’t think I quite know what you mean.”

Dipping the spoon in, I very lightly trail some over my lip. Then seductively, with the tip of my tongue, lick around the edges of my lips with a moan.

Jake swings into action, grabbing the yogurt from my hand before throwing both in the bin. Taking my hand, he practically yanks me from the spot, dragging me back towards the car. I start laughing so hard I can’t stop.

“I’m going to show you just what I mean when we get home.” I hear a growl, and it sends a certain fire between my legs. My laughter abruptly stops at that point. I want to receive as much as he is willing to give me, take whatever he can throw at me, and let the consequences be damned. I have been dreaming of this moment for far too long, waiting, hoping and praying that I can get a chance to find my happiness with the man I love.

Who I’ve always loved.

We are thundering through the hordes of people, making our way out in the heat of the day. Jake opens the car door and as always the true gentleman, helps me into the car. He gets in himself, fastening his seatbelt, and starts the car at lightning speed.

“Do I not get pounced on when getting into the car then?” I laugh again, but he huffs and turns to face me. He looks pissed all of a sudden.

“I’m barely holding on to any remnants of control I have not to take you in the car right now. And stop laughing!” That just makes me laugh even harder.

He gives me one final heated stare before backing out of the parking space. I’m sure he’s breaking some of the speeding limits, but I make a point to keep quiet and not say anything. With the mood he seems to be in, it’s probably best to not utter a sound.

We arrive home in record time, and Jake impatiently taps the steering wheel as we wait for the garage door to open. I grip my housekey, ready, and my heart starts pounding in my ears as my adrenaline spikes. Jake drives in, and once I know he has stopped, I quickly get out, unlock the door, re-lock the door behind me, and—as quickly as I can—I turn off the alarm before running up the stairs. I can hear Jake bellowing my name, and I try so hard not to laugh as I quickly hide under his bed.

How childish am I?

I hear him running up the stairs, and when I see his feet walking into the bedroom, my breathing hitches.

“I know you’re here, and you better show yourself, or I may not be responsible for my actions. Do you really want to have a red butt from the spanking you will receive if you do

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