Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,45

time, he is running away from the situation. I’m angry with him and myself for allowing him to see just how much of an effect he has on me.

Suddenly feeling brave, I decide to up the ante. “Well, Mr. Bennett, we will just see about that, won’t we?”

I gather myself together and walk around to the back of the house. At the pool area, there are lots of people chatting. Bill’s wife, Alison, notices me, and her sweet smile greets me. “Ana, lovely to see you. How have you been? You look fabulous.”

I smile. “Thank you. You look lovely too.” Alison is fifty-four and looks fantastic for her age. She has short blonde hair and lovely, light-brown eyes which almost seem to sparkle.

“How has work been? I heard it’s been pretty intense with this killer on the loose. Bill is really cut up about the whole thing and doesn’t talk about it much. Have you heard any updates at all?”

Come to think of it, I haven’t heard a thing. I’m normally kept up-to-speed on cases, but for some reason, I’ve been shut out of this one. “I haven’t heard anything, to tell you the truth. I’ve been dealing with a wave of burglaries in the Roanoke and Fairfax County areas, so that’s been keeping me pretty busy.”

“Ana, do you want a burger?” I look over and see Jake holding a plate out to me. I’m starving, so I don’t hesitate. I walk over and take it from him, noticing that his eyes are still like turquoise fire. They’re so hypnotizing; I just want to stare at them all day long.

“Thank you,” I say, smiling.

His smile suddenly vanishes. “I bet this is the first you’ve eaten today, isn’t it?” My eyes look sheepishly down, giving myself away. “Ana, you have to eat.”

Before I can determine an answer, Tony decides to make his presence known by marching over with a glass of wine. Jake lets out a growl and the butterflies flutter in my stomach.

“Ana, your glass of wine was still in the kitchen.”

“Thanks, Tony.”

I take a sip just as Alison decides to speak. “Ana, dear, your back is full of dust. Have you been rubbing yourself up against a wall?”

I start choking on the wine, unable to contain the horror on my face. I look up and see Jake’s eyes widening. He’s starting to look blurry as my eyes are glassing over from coughing so much.

I feel Tony patting my back and wiping down my dress. “Are you okay?”

I try to compose myself. “Yes, I’m fine, thanks. It just went down the wrong way.”

“Go and sit down and eat. You can’t be drinking like this on an empty stomach,” Jake grumbles.

I salute him and say, “Yes, sir,” before sitting down on one of the sun loungers under a parasol. The heat is getting pretty intense, and the more I gaze at the pool, the more inviting it looks. In the corner of my eye, I can sense Jake’s eyeing me up and also keeping a close eye on what Tony is up to. He really doesn’t like Tony for some reason.

I eat my burger in under a minute, and it is quickly replaced by another from Jake. He’s certainly determined to see me eat. I quickly relish that one also, and before I can stop myself, a loud burp escapes me. I instinctively cover my mouth and blush a deep crimson red as everyone around me laughs.

Bill winks. “Well, that has to be a compliment to the chef.”

I blush again. “I’m sorry, guys. I didn’t mean to be rude.” Oh, God, how embarrassing.

“Do you want another?” I look up at Jake who is trying hard not to laugh again.

“No, thanks,” I say, patting my stomach. “I think the tank is full.”

Satisfied with my answer, he turns towards his audience. “Okay, who else wants another?”

A row of hands shoot up, which everyone ceremoniously laughs at.


A few hours later, the party is in full swing. To try and keep my mind off Jake for more than five minutes, I keep myself busy by making sure everyone is being tended to. I also make sure everyone’s drinks are replenished—which Jake is grateful for.

After everyone seems to be suitably filled, I grab myself another glass of wine and sit by the table outside. The relief I feel after sitting down is instant. My feet feel like they’ve walked the Route 7 and back. Glancing up, I find that the sun’s going around the other side

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