Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,34

likes me too. At least, I think he does, but every time I think we are getting somewhere, he pushes me away. I’m exhausted by it, and I don’t know what to do.” I feel a bit better having shared at least some of the burden. Keeping my feelings for Jake a secret has been killing me.

“Can I at least ask if this person will be at the party tomorrow?”

I had forgotten all about that. Jake’s having that barbecue tomorrow evening and has invited most of the gang over. Thinking about it has my stomach in knots.

“Yes, I do believe he is coming.” I hate lying to her about it, but I can’t tell her the whole truth either. It’s just too much.

“Well, then I know exactly what you need to do! Tomorrow morning, you are going to go out and pamper yourself silly. Get a facial. Get your hair and nails done. All of it. After that, I want you to go and buy yourself a knockout dress. Then, you will go to this party and knock everyone’s socks off—this asshole’s especially. Last but not least you will flirt with every man except him until he wakes up and realizes what he’s missing. You got that?”

I can’t help the laugh that escapes me. I’m so glad I didn’t hang up in the end. Jessie has instantly made me feel better. “You said all of that without even taking a breath!”

She snorts. “Well, he’s an asshole—whoever he is.”

I chuckle, feeling much better. “You’ve said that three times already.”

“Well, he is,” she answers defiantly.

I feel a pang of sadness about the barbecue. “I wish you were coming tomorrow.”

She sighs. “Me too. I can’t get out of it, though. My mom will kill me if I miss my cousin’s wedding. I’m sure you will be fine. Are you going to take Auntie Jessie’s advice?”

I think about it, and I can’t help the smile that creeps up on my face. I am so angry with Jake, and I love the idea of teaching him a lesson. I just hope it will work. “I think I will. Thanks for that. I feel a lot better. I’ll text you either Friday night or Saturday morning and let you know how it went.”

I can hear sudden movement in the background. “Okay. Just as long as it’s not too early Saturday. Anyway, I have to go for now. I have to start packing if I want to get to Williamsburg on time. We’ll talk soon, okay? Keep your chin up, girl.”

I know what’s coming next, so we both say in unison, “And don’t let the bastards get you down.”

We laugh together. “See, that’s better. Now take care of yourself, Ana. You hear me?”

I roll my eyes. “Yes, Auntie Jessie. Go have fun and be careful on the roads.”

Traffic can be terrible—especially on I-495, the Capital Beltway.

After we say our goodbyes, I think about Jessie’s plan. I have been saving money for a while now in order to get my own place. I would like to own my own home rather than rent one, so I have been trying like mad to get a decent down-payment together. On the other hand, I haven’t treated myself for a while, and it has been a long time since I got a haircut. It has also been a while since I bought myself some clothes. With that thought, I look across to the floor at my ripped bikini bottoms. I suppose I will need to get a new swimsuit now too. My heart sinks again. Lord knows what will be in store for me next.

I spend most of the day sulking in my room. Around five, I start feeling hungry. I don’t want to go downstairs, but I need to eat.

This is just ridiculous!

I take a step out of my room and carefully inch along the landing. A huge arch window greets me, and I gaze out of it for a few moments, taking in the beautiful day I’ve been missing.

With a shake of my head, I walk down the stairs, quickly pass through the empty living room, and enter the kitchen. By the looks of things, Jake isn’t in the house after all.

I let out a huge sigh of relief and get on with making myself a ham and Philadelphia cream cheese sandwich. I grab a few Lays crisps to snack on afterwards and pour myself an orange juice. I sit down at the breakfast bar and devour my sandwich.

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