Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,26

You’re off the hook.” I raise a smile for him, which he then returns.

“Well, let me put it another way. It would help me feel better to know I am taking care of you.”

At that, the embarrassment of knowing what I said to him last night rears its ugly head again.

How could I have been so stupid?

I feel the only way forward is to try and make light of the situation.

“Are you saying I have to humor you now—just so you will feel less guilty about last night?” He nods his head. “So you’re actually doing this for your own selfish reasons?”

He looks at me with a frown. “Well, it sounds pretty horrible when you put it like that, but yes, I guess I am being kind of selfish.” I’m smiling as we walk back to the kitchen, and I immediately retake my seat at the breakfast table.

Jake leans forward, holding my plate. “I’ll understand if you don’t want to eat this now.”

I stare at him, lingering on those eyes and lips of his. “I’m fine now that I’ve gotten it out of my system. I think it will do me good to get this inside of me.”

And possibly you too.

I don’t have the heart to tell him I only puked because of how embarrassed I was—and still am—by whatever I said or did last night. I start to wonder if there is anything else I could have said to make this hell even worse than it already is. Maybe I don’t want to know.

I take a few bites, easing myself in gently and waiting to see if my stomach protests. I’m relieved to find the food is settling well, so I carry on. His eggs are so nice, and now he apparently makes great bacon too. The man is sex-on-legs. In addition, he’s beautiful, powerful, funny, kind, and now I can add cooking to his list of talents and attributes. I wonder what else I might be able to add to this list.

I finish up my breakfast, and Jake clears the table for me. When I get up to do the dishes, he promptly tells me to sit back down. I do as I’m told, staring at him while his back is turned.

Suddenly, I wonder what on earth happened last night. As I concentrate on it, a flash of him laying in bed with me comes back.

Shit! Did that really happen? He obviously didn’t stay, since he was gone before I woke up this morning.

My curiosity is getting the better of me, though, and there’s only one person who can answer this question for me. “I didn’t do anything silly last night, did I?”

He briefly stops washing the dishes and turns to me. “No, of course not. In fact, I would go so far as to say that you were sweet and funny.” He then turns his attention back to the dishes and proceeds to wash everything up in short order.

Sweet? When have I ever been sweet? I suppose I should be thankful because at least he didn’t say I was a complete numpty.

I try putting this out of my mind, since it will only serve to drive me crazy. I can’t help thinking that I said something I shouldn’t have—apart from the “kissable lips” comment, of course.


Today is Wednesday, but after having decided to take some much-needed time off tomorrow and Friday before the barbecue—same as Jake—I’m excited that a welcome and much-needed rest will soon be upon me. Plus, quite a few people are going to the barbecue, so I’m really starting to look forward to it. I need a diversion after the past few days.

Mostly, they’ve gone by in a total haze. In fact, all was calm apart from the night I went out with Jessie, wearing my new high-heeled red shoes. Even though that was a few days ago, I can’t help but think about it. After all, Jake has been doing his best to avoid me yet again because of it. Sometimes, I really can’t figure him out. He is a walking, talking contradiction.

When he saw me that night, he completely overreacted, demanding that I change shoes. His reaction had my head spinning for the rest of the night. I, of course, won the battle over the shoes, but he wasn’t happy about it.

Nevertheless, he gave me the number of a reputable taxi firm and asked me to promise him that I would use it on the way home. He also made me promise

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