Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,23

before resolutely downing the shot. This time, the burn isn’t as fierce as it was at first. My head’s already feeling a little fuzzy, though. I’m definitely not used to doing shots.

I sigh, trying to think of a good question—one that is just as useless as his have been. “What is your favorite alcoholic drink?”

He smiles again, but I feel this will be hard to answer, considering how boring the answer is bound to be. I assume he’ll pick beer, and you can’t get much more boring than beer.

“Well, at the moment, I’d have to say tequila because I’m having so much fun drinking it with you this evening. You make an excellent contender—a little easy, but so much fun, nevertheless.”

I huff my annoyance. “This game is rubbish. Why don’t you just take a shot already?”

His lips curve up into that sexy grin of his. “Did you not like my answer? Are you saying that me enjoying your company is not a good answer?”

He’s good. He’s very good. And I hate him for it. “You are determined, aren’t you?” I’m annoyed as hell.

He stands there, still staring. “I’ll take that as a no then? Do you want to go ahead and just take the next shot now to avoid the embarrassment?”

“You’re a little shit, Jake Bennett. Do you know that?” I say with a chuckle as I shake my head.

He brings his finger up and shakes it in front of me. “N’uh, Ana. You’re just being a sore loser.” He laughs a little before continuing on. “Right. Now, where were we? Okay, what is your favorite car?”

This one I find easy to answer. “Well, that’s not hard. The Aston Martin DB9. I think it’s beautiful.” I smile, thinking he can’t honestly think that’s a boring answer.

“But it’s British. I can’t be having that. Drink,” he commands.

I sit there, mouth wide open. “Are you serious? How is that relevant to the game whether something is British or not?”

He smiles wickedly at me. “Well, you could have chosen a more muscle-bound car like a Dodge Challenger or a Ford Mustang.”

Oh, hell no!

“Jake, those cars are just what you said—muscle-bound—and that’s it. The Aston Martin DB9 has plenty of power, finesse, and her beauty is refined. The car is elegant and very sexy. You cannot compare an Aston Martin to a Dodge Challenger. You must be off your rocker.”

He bellows out a hearty laugh. “Okay, you don’t like it. Tell you what, if you’ll admit to losing this round, then no matter what question you ask me next, if you don’t like my answer, I’ll take two shots in one go. How’s that?”

I pick up my third shot and down the contents once again, crashing the glass back down on the bar. “Fine. What is your favorite fruit?”

Ha! I know I’ve got him now.

Jake smiles and crosses his arms, revealing his muscles to me. “Well, that’s another easy one. It’s pineapple. I’ve wanted to go to the Caribbean ever since my grandmother told me that she always wished she could go. She died before she was ever able to make it there, though, and I would like to see that dream fulfilled in her honor one day.”

Did he really just pull that shit on me?

“Jake, seriously, come on. Did your grandmother really give you that G.I. Joe, or are you just planning to use her for all your answers?”

His cheeky grin is still in place, making my heart flutter.

“My last answer wasn’t about my grandmother; it was about my enjoyment of your company.”

I try to express my irritation. “This is seriously fubar. You know that?”

He starts laughing again and grabs himself a drink. “I know I won, but just to play fair, I’m going to take one shot.” He picks up the shot glass and quickly swallows the contents.

“Okay. Next round is double or nothing, agreed?”

I nod my head, realizing that despite the frustration of the game, I am actually having a lot of fun.

Jake places his hands on the bar again and leans over slightly. “What was your favorite subject in school?”

Well, that’s another easy answer. “English as I love to read and write.” He looks at me, obviously not amused by my answer. “What?” He places a hand up to his mouth and pretends to yawn. “Jake, come on.”

Jake snorts out a small laugh. “I’m sorry, but Math and English are the two most boring subjects in school. You could have thought of something more interesting than that.”

Feeling a little tipsy,

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