Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,17

to get into now … or ever.

“And that was it?” I can’t understand why he’s so worried about something so trivial. The danger was only in my imagination after all.

“Jake, it’s fine. I’m fine,” I answer as soothingly as possible. “I was spooked by a jack-in-the-box. It was nothing. Really.” In my quest to calm the situation down further, I again step over the boundary by grabbing his hand. It’s a mistake as—yet again—my loins awaken just as quickly as last time. Jeez, if he can do this to me with just one touch of his hand, then what would it be like if he touched me in other places?

For a moment, we remain silent as we stare at each other—our hands linked together as one. His green eyes dance across my face like he’s making love to it. The thought makes me dizzy as his gaze connects with mine.

But, as usual, the moment I was hoping would last forever is ripped away when Jake clears his throat and pulls his hand away. “Only if you’re sure,” he murmurs, looking everywhere but at me yet again. “Maybe it’s best if you stop running for a while. You know … just to make sure.”

I frown. “Make sure of what? I was frightening myself more than anything else. I feel stupid now—” I am about to continue, but Jake interrupts me.

“Still, I think it would be safer for you to stay inside as much as possible. Maybe it would be better if you used my gym for a while.”

I laugh a little at his absurdity. “I appreciate your concern, but it is broad daylight right now. I think as long as I keep to the busier streets, I’ll be okay. I like running, and I’m not about to stop just because a plant scared me.”

Jake visibly grits his teeth like he is desperate to say something but is trying to rein himself in. It looks like he is starting to say something anyway, but he succeeds in holding himself back. He then inhales a very deep, sharp breath in an obvious attempt at regaining his composure. He closes his eyes, exhaling slowly before looking at me. “Dinner is almost ready. That’s why I came out looking for you. Do you want to grab a quick shower before we eat?”

For a moment, I remain silently stunned by his sudden change in demeanor. “Um, yes, that would be great if I can. I am quite sweaty.”

For a brief instant, I see Jake’s gaze roam over my body before he quickly averts his eyes again. “Okay,” he says, sweeping his arms in the direction of the house. “After you.”

He smiles a little, and my knees turn to jelly. Lord knows how I manage to move my feet towards Jake’s house, but somehow, I do.

Yes, a cold shower is definitely a must.


It’s been a few days since my ill-fated run. Jake has been doing his best to avoid me—again. But that’s not an unusual occurrence. He’s thrown himself into his work, and I’ve taken the time to exercise in the gym to release some sexual tension. On the days Jake stayed home, I went out with Jessie, so there hasn’t been any further contact between us.

It’s Saturday, and I’ve decided to go for my morning run since I’m up early. I’d gotten up at eight, though I don’t know why. My body must have felt it had had enough sleep. Normally, I like to lie in on my days off, but today I woke up bright and early, full of energy.

Jake’s already up and out for the day, and Matthew’s getting ready to spend the night round his friend Clive’s house. I know I will have the house to myself when I get back, and I feel glad about that in a sense. Sometimes, knowing that Jake is there with me is too much to bear.

Everything is normal as I say goodbye to Matthew and wish him a great time with his friend. He seems really happy. Matthew is always happy, but he seems different with it today. It’s almost like he has a glint in his eyes that wasn’t there before. It makes me wonder if a girl has something to do with it.

The run is pretty nondramatic and straight forward, but for some reason, I keep feeling like I’m being watched. I don’t know what it is, but the hairs on the back of my neck are definitely standing at attention. I shake off

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