Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,141

I thought I would just be polite and go on my way again afterwards, but something held me back. I surprised myself by asking her out.

It’s been almost a month since then, and I’m well on the way to breaking things up with her. I know she isn’t the one for me. The only reason I’m even here now is because she told me all about her daughter, who just acquired her Bachelor’s. Her field of study was criminal justice. I must admit, that piqued my interest. I actually need a new analyst in my department. I haven’t told Stella this because I didn’t want her to just assume that I would give her daughter the job. I needed to meet her first and decide for myself.

As we sit at a table in La Bistro, a restaurant in Reston, I take in my surroundings. It’s a lovely autumn day, and people are making the most of the lasting sunshine by sitting outside. The tables are full, and laughter erupts as everyone enjoys the atmosphere. I’ve ordered a beer for myself and a glass of wine for Stella while we wait for her daughter to arrive.

I don’t realize I’m even doing it at first, but my foot is anxiously tapping under the table. I’m starting to wonder if she will ever make her presence known. She was supposed to meet us at one, and it’s now five after. This isn’t a good start as first impressions go.

I’m about to ask Stella if she knows when her daughter will be here when she speaks. “Ah, there she is.”

I turn to seek her out, but my breath catches when I see this beautiful young woman striding towards the restaurant. The image of her is burned into my mind. I can’t stop myself from staring. In all my thirty-two years, I have never come across such perfection.

I watch as she virtually dances along the sidewalk. She’s tall with long, silky blonde hair and legs that go on forever. An image of those same legs wrapped around me instantly flashes through my mind. My cock twitches at the thought.

Shit! What’s wrong with me?

As I stare up at her face, I feel a sense of loss because I can’t see her eyes, and I want so desperately to look into them. They’re hiding behind a pair of sunglasses, and I have this sudden urge to stop her in her tracks and gently lift them away from her face. I need to see her eyes. In fact, my frustration seems to seep into every pore of my skin. I feel my skin start to itch violently—daring me to take action … daring me to lift the glasses from the face that I now know will haunt me forever.

She’s wearing a knee-length pencil skirt which accentuates her beautifully rounded hips. The tight-fitting turtleneck sweater she’s wearing curves around her phenomenal breasts. I can tell they are just aching to be touched and caressed.

I’m aching to oblige.

This girl is the most beautiful creature I have ever had the pleasure of seeing. She’s evoking reactions in me that I never thought myself capable of having before this moment.

Sudden hunger erupts within me. I need to touch her and caress her beautiful skin. My own skin feels sensitive, nearly on fire. As I stare, she absent-mindedly places her finger on her lips and proceeds to move it back and forth like she’s deep in thought. My cock comes to life again just from observing that one tiny movement. It’s the sexiest damn thing I have ever fucking seen.

What the fuck is wrong with you, Bennett?

I notice very quickly that I’m not the only one entranced by her beauty. Other men are admiring her presence too. Men either stare at her immediately or notice her out of the corner of their eyes and then look up and start staring. I want to fucking kill them all for daring to even look at her.

My reaction both shocks and frightens the hell out of me. Before I know it, intense anger burns in my stomach and spreads throughout my body. On the heels of this wave of anger, a voice I don’t recognize violently surfaces, shocking me to my very core as it screams, “Mine!”

I almost turn my head to seek out the source of this voice. I briefly wonder where it’s coming from, and then I realize it’s coming from me.

Fuck, I really need to get a grip! She’s just a girl. She

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