Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,132

also really glad that Joe doesn’t seem to be holding a grudge.

Jake wraps his arms around me from behind, so I lean my head back onto his chest.

“Joe’s wife is pregnant?” he asks. He had obviously read the card over my shoulder.

“Yes. He told me in the car on the way back to the house that day. I asked him to let me know how they got on at the hospital. They were going for a scan, and he wanted to know the sex of the baby.” Jake inhales my scent, making me wince. “I must smell awful after being in that hospital for four days.”

I feel him nuzzle his nose into the back of my neck. “You always smell wonderful.”

I turn around, wrapping my arms around him and give him a light kiss. “That’s very kind of you to say so, but I would still love to get a shower as soon as I’m done with my noodles. I’m starving.”

Jake laughs and pats me on the backside. I look at the other notes attached to the flowers. There are some colorful chrysanthemums from Jessie, wishing me well and begging me to call as soon as I get the note. I must give her a ring after my shower.

There’s a big bunch of summer flowers from everyone in our office and another surprise one from Mandy. I pick the note up and read it.

I’m so sorry to hear about your ordeal. I hope you get well soon. I’m looking forward to seeing you back at work. Love, Mandy. P.S. I’m still going to hold you to that drink.

I laugh at that and show Jake the note. He looks at it and raises an eyebrow. “A drink, huh? When was this planned?”

I sit down, sighing. “Jake, seriously? You’re going to go all caveman on me now?”

His face softens as he sits next to me. “Sorry. I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. I guess some things never change.”


The rest of the afternoon passes into the evening with everything going really well. Matthew brings out some chicken-flavored noodles for everyone. It tastes great, but my throat’s still sore, which doesn’t help. It’s hard to eat it all, but I thank Matthew for making the effort for me.

I take a couple of the tablets the doctor prescribed for me to help ease the pain. They do seem to help after a while. We talk about what’s been happening for the last few days, and the mention of Cindy makes Matthew look a little uncomfortable.

“What’s wrong? Has something happened?” I ask.

“No, it’s not that. I did ask Dad about having her over, and he said we would have to see. You obviously need some time to relax first.”

I look at Jake. He isn’t amused. “Don’t be silly,” I protest. “I’m as fit as a fiddle, and I really want to meet her.” I quickly snap my head to Jake. “She can come over … can’t she? Maybe this Friday or Saturday?”

Matthew beams and looks at Jake expectantly. “Okay. Invite her over for Friday.” Matthew gives us each a big hug and runs off to call Cindy.

Jake looks at me with a worried expression. “Are you sure about this? You are much more important at the moment. Cindy can wait.”

“Stop worrying. I’m fine. In fact, I’m really looking forward to it. I need normality back in my life. I want things to go back to the way they were.”

Jake pulls me into his arms. “You’re amazing. Do you know that?”

I bury my head in his chest, not wanting to let go. “You’re pretty awesome yourself, Mr. Bennett.”

He kisses the top of my head. “I love you, Ana. I will never let you be taken away from me like that again. I never want to feel that hopelessness. Ever. It was torture!”

I sigh with a smile. “I love you, too, and I’m not going anywhere. This is exactly where I want to be.” I stare into his beautiful green eyes. Those piercing eyes of his which I have dreamt of every night for almost a year. Those eyes that—at one time—I could only wish to see them looking at me the way he is actually looking at me right now. If I had died that day and confirmed that heaven is real, I’d have wanted to stay here.

Jake opens his mouth to speak, but Matthew walks back in the room. “That was Cindy. She says that she would be honored to come over

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