Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,130

come charging in here like the bull that you are, scaring them all to death.” His face softens as he touches my hand. My voice is still a little hoarse, but speaking is a lot easier today than it was yesterday.

“I’m sorry. I just lose all my sense when it comes to you. You still drive me crazy. Do you know that?”

I smirk and touch his face. “I know. I can see that. And thank you. Nevertheless, I don’t think I am the one you need to be apologizing to.”

He nods his head in agreement and sighs. “Anyway, how are you feeling this morning? You look a lot better. They said they had to give you something during the night to calm you down?”

I nod, but I can still feel the pain of the nightmare coursing through me. “Yes. I think I was being a bit vocal. I’d had a nightmare that Tony was in my room, and I thought it was real for a minute. It was all a bit confusing, I guess. I must have scared the life out of the poor nurses. Now I feel a bit groggy, but otherwise, I’m fine. Would you please pour me some water?” I gesture to the jug by the bed.

“Anything for you, baby. I feel a bit helpless just sitting here, doing nothing.” He gets up and dutifully pours some water into a plastic cup for me.

I take little sips, conscious of how sore my throat still is. It’s then that the nurses bring in some oatmeal to see if I can eat. Betty tells me that if I don’t eat a little, the doctor will want to keep me another night. I really don’t want that, so I force it down my throat. It’s agony, but totally worth it to get out of here and be alone with Jake.

I give myself a quick wash in the bathroom, and I notice my ankle’s a lot better than it was. I’m actually able to walk on it a bit more normally now. I don’t really want to look at myself in the mirror and see the constant reminder of what Tony did to me. Luckily, Jake brought me some fresh clothes and a brush, so I’m at least able to brush my hair. I’m grateful for that.

I sit back on the bed, and we wait for the doctor to do his rounds so that I can be discharged. I am so ready to go home. I want to get far away from this place and never return.

While we wait, I ask how everyone’s doing and where Matthew is. Jake tells me that Matthew’s staying with Clive. Apparently, they argued when he wanted to come down and stay with me while I recovered. Jake knew that he wouldn’t have been much company, so he made the excuse that Matthew had to stay in school. He wasn’t happy about it, but what Jake says goes. You can’t argue with a caveman. I know that one for sure.

Jessie has been worrying herself sick and calling twice a day every day, wanting to know how I am. Even Michael calls on a daily basis, which Jake never looks too happy about. He never ceases to amaze me, but the possessiveness only adds to his charm. It makes me feel all the more wanted.

After our chat and a few cuddles and kisses later, the doctor finally emerges and checks me over. He’s amazed at how quickly I’m overcoming this terrible ordeal.

I beg him to send me home, and he eventually agrees. He walks away and retrieves the discharge paperwork as I get myself organized. I’m elated to be finally getting out of here. I’ve always hated hospitals. Jake can’t seem to hide his excitement either.

I brush my teeth and look through the contents of the bag that Jake has brought in for me. My eyes brim with tears when I see that he’s bought me two summer dresses—one in maroon and one in navy. Although they’re sleeveless, they both have polo necks, which will hide the finger marks on my neck. It probably wouldn’t be a good idea to draw attention to what has happened to me once I leave here. If I don’t have to look at them either, then that’s just a bonus.

Emerging from the bathroom, I feel a little better. I throw my arms around Jake and give him a big kiss. I’m grateful to have him here with me, tending to my

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