Take a Breath (Take #1) - Jaimie Roberts Page 0,113

of thoughts, but none of them help me much. I have this sudden pang when I realize Jessie isn’t here. I really wish she was in today. I need to talk to her about this.

I glance at the clock, noting that it’s just after eleven. She should be up and ready by now. I pick up the phone and dial her number. After a couple of rings, she answers.

“Jessie, it’s Ana. How was it?”

“It was great, thanks. Jerry was the perfect gentleman. He took me to a steakhouse. He said it was the best steakhouse in Richmond, and it really was. You must try it. Maybe you should set up a date this weekend with Mr. Boss-Man. I’m sure you two would enjoy a hotel just as much.”

I’m dying to tell her, so I just get straight to the point. “I think I’m going to die from sheer humiliation any moment now.”

“What’s up? Did you leave some toilet roll hanging out your ass or something?”

I snort. “No, no. It wasn’t anything like that. I was introduced to a new detective today.”

“Really? Is he hot?”

I huff, impatience setting in. “No. In fact, he’s probably right up Tom’s alley as first impressions go, but that’s not why I called you, Jessie!”

She snorts, amused at my impatience. “Sorry. Go ahead.”

Swallowing hard, I say, “When he asked me what my last name was, I blurted Bennett right in front of Jake and Tom. I nearly died.” She gasps first, and then laughter erupts through the line. In fact, it’s so loud that I have to pull the phone away until she calms down. “Not helping, Jessie.”

“Sorry. I wish I had been there. What did Jake say?”

This is the part I have been dying to get to. “Well, a little while later, he came up to me and said, “Ana Bennett does have a certain ring to it.”

Jessie goes crazy, screaming down the phone. “Do you know what this means? He wants to marry you, girl.”

I gasp. “No, I think he was just making fun of the situation. We haven’t even told each other how we feel yet. We haven’t said those words, so how could marriage be on the agenda so soon?”

“I’m sure he’ll pick the right moment. It seems pretty obvious to me. Anyone within a mile can tell how you two feel about each other. Sometimes words don’t mean a thing.”

I think for a moment about what she said. I know Jake makes all the right noises, but sometimes you just need to hear it.

“I know what you’re saying, but I still need something … anything.”

“Oh. My. God. Would you listen to yourself? He just practically told you that you should take on the Bennett name. There’s only one way you can do that unless he is planning to adopt you, and I highly doubt that’s what he has in mind. This is big, Ana. Huge!” she screams.

“Okay, okay. I’ll take what you’ve said under advisement. What are you up to with Jerry today?” I ask, changing the subject.

“Jerry’s just gone to check out. I’m waiting in the lobby. We’ll be driving back once he’s done. I may want to lock him up in the apartment when I get back and never let him out. Ana, the sex last night was so good. I mean, it normally is great, but last night was just fantastic!” she enthuses. Then she pauses for a moment as if she’s distracted by something before saying, “Oh, he’s coming over! I have to go.”

“Okay. Well, I hope you don’t wear Jerry out too much,” I laugh.

“Oh, but I fully intend to, girl.” We both laugh, say our goodbyes, and then I swiftly get back to work.

I begin to sort through the endless cases of burglaries we have. They range from four years ago to present day. I have already tried looking at the more recent ones, but nothing stood out. I’m at it for a couple of hours when my head starts to hurt. My eyes are beginning to blur a little too so I know I’m really getting tired.

Just when I think I’m about ready for a break, I come across a case that happened about five years ago. An elderly couple—just like the others—was held at gunpoint while two others raided their home. It all sounds a little too coincidental for me, so I rub my eyes and read on.

Their names were Adrian Simmons, Clark Baxter, and Brent Maxwell. They are all from the Roanoke

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