Sworn Enemies - Rebel Hart Page 0,18

ref blew the whistle and put his hand up as well, and Zeke started to walk out toward the center of the field. The refs started in, as well, but Zeke held a finger out at his ref, who stopped moving instantly. The Widows ref looked over at me, and I shook my head, so he stayed in place on the sidelines. I stood up, sifted through the team, and moved to centerfield. The entire field was pin-drop silent while Zeke and I moved to meet each other. The only sound was the crunch of our feet against the turf.

A spare set let me know that I was being followed again, but I didn’t turn to see who it was. I made my way to centerfield and came to a stop, facing Zeke. He used his middle finger to hook into the cord that attached his mouthguard to his helmet and yanked it from his mouth. I reached up and pulled mine out with my fingers, as ours didn’t have cords. It oddly felt like another peacock dance, but I didn’t waver.

“Delaying the game?” I asked. “Did you want to start out with a penalty?”

“Clock hasn’t started yet.” He looked over my shoulder. “I don’t believe we need you.”

“I don’t believe I asked for your opinion,” Lila’s voice replied. I wasn’t sure if the support she’d shown me in the past week was arrogance, confidence in me, or something else entirely, but I didn’t question it. The president of the United States had worse bodyguards.

“Let’s make a deal,” Zeke pressed on, ignoring Lila. “If you win, the Vipers will completely endorse the Widows’ bid for semi-pro. We’ll go public, and we’ll pay your establishment fees.”

I’d looked into the establishment fees very little. I didn’t want to get ahead of myself. It was only something we’d have to worry about if we actually made semi-pro status. They had to be hefty, though, considering they were related to establishing a base of operations and commissioning a stadium. It was a lot to offer. He was either incredibly cocky or incredibly stupid. I was placing my money on both.

“And if we lose?” I asked.

“You have to withdraw your application.” It was a blow to the face. I had, of course, considered the possibility that the Widows wouldn’t be victorious, but I didn’t plan to put so much on the line. He sneered because he saw my hesitation. “Oh, not so confident anymore?”

“She’s just thinking about the best way to spend your money,” Lila spat.

“My Widows will win.” I took a deep breath. If I wasn’t willing to go all-in on my team, why were we even here? “You have a deal.”

That time, it was Zeke who held out a hand, but I didn’t take it.

“Sorry, I have no respect for someone who makes a mockery of my sport.”

Zeke smiled at me, but there was nothing but malice behind his eyes. “Best of luck to you.”

“Fuck off.” I turned around and started back toward my team, shoving my mouth guard in my mouth so hard it rattled my teeth. “This is for our right to apply!” I yelled.

The team all shifted, but Lila was right behind me. “Stay in it!”

Everyone locked in despite the news, and with a loud, screeching whistle. The game began.

We kicked off the ball to the Vipers, and the Widows charged forward. The kick was impressive. It was nearly as far downfield as it could get before it would become a safety. Adrenaline rushed through my body as my feet carried me toward the person with the ball. I zeroed in on him like I had a scope attached to me and he was the only thing my crosshairs would find. The yards between us got smaller and smaller until I was finally in his zone. I ducked in and charged, and a moment later, like I’d had a memory lapse, I was face down on the turf. I had no idea what had happened, but I didn’t make contact with the runner.

I got up and turned around, and the sight broke my heart. The Widows were barely managing to keep up as the Vipers snagged my girls one by one, and the runner cleared all the yards between the end zones for a kick-return touchdown. When he passed into the end zone, everyone in attendance was utterly silent. All of the Black Widows were statues in place. Finally, the field erupted with the cheers of the hundreds of Vipers

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