By the Sword - By Sara Flower Page 0,70

barely stand, let alone defend herself. She leaned against the wall of the prison as Jalarn fought his uncle. She was too weak to fight, but she couldn’t leave him. Not now.

“Jalarn, there is nothing that you could have done that the Savior cannot forgive. It’s not too late,” she said.

“Those are the words from a defeated wretch,” said Ittonifer.

Ittonifer took a step toward her, but Jalarn slashed at him, driving him away.

The sound of rapidly approaching footsteps caught Talya’s attention. Someone was coming. Her vision blurred as her entire body quivered. She was losing too much blood too fast.

“Jalarn…” she tried to call, but her voice only came out as a faint whisper.

Strong hands picked her up by the under arms and carried her away from the prison cell and down a dark hallway.

“Talya, can you hear me?” asked the voice.

It was General Edandir. Her father. There was fear in his tone.

She tried to open her eyes, but she was so tired.

“Father, we have to go back. Jalarn is still in there. You have to help him.”

“Talya, you’ve lost so much blood.”

Talya fought her exhaustion in frustration. Her father was not listening to her. She did not have the energy to argue with him, but she had to try.

“He… he’s so close. You have to go back and… help him.”

“Save your strength and try not to talk.”

“You don’t understand. Jalarn… saved my life. He – he needs help.”

Her lids fluttered open. Her father glared at her for a moment before gently setting her down on his dragon’s saddle. They were in the air within moments.

“Please…” she whispered.

Talya tried to fight against the weakness that had overcome her, but instead she slipped away into darkness.


General Edandir landed his firedrake at the camp. He quickly carried Talya to the physician’s tent. He set her down on a wooden bench. Seline rushed in and immediately bound her deep gashes.

“Don’t you have a softer bed for her?” Edandir asked.

Seline eyed him.

“That is not a priority right now.”

Edandir swallowed as dread formed in the pit of his stomach.

Talya’s blood had already seeped through the bandages. Her slender body trembled.

Edandir was going to kill Ittonifer for this.

“She’s lost so much blood already,” said Seline.

“Which means you will do what it takes to save her.”

The doctor administered another layer of bandages over Talya’s wounds and then placed three layers of thick blankets over her body.

Edandir couldn’t lose her. She was too young to die and he loved her so much.

“Why didn’t I forbid her to fight?”

“She wouldn’t have listened to you,” said the doctor.

Edandir sat next to Talya’s bed and held her much smaller hand with both of his. She was still just a child. A full life was well ahead of her. But she had risked it for God. It was something that her mother would have done in a heartbeat.

“Please, do whatever you must to save her.”

“Of course I will, but I can’t make any promises.”

Edandir kissed Talya’s forehead and rushed out of the tent. He was angry at Seline’s lack of faith. Talya couldn’t die. She had a strong will. She had done what God had asked of her. Surely He would honor that and look after her.

Edandir eyed the sky. The sun was much lower on the horizon than where it had been when the battle began. He had to get back and help his army.

Chapter Eighteen

Riding on one of Sanctus’ dragons, Uittan saw General Edandir just leaving the military camp on his firedrake. The prophet clicked his tongue and his steed flew toward the general.

Talya had completed her mission, but at a high price. God had been right about her when Uittan had had his own doubts in the beginning.

Edandir noticed Uittan then.

“Uittan!” he called.

“General, I have come to deliver a message. God wants you to go back to Ittonifer’s castle before returning to battle.”

“Will she make it?” Edandir asked.

“I do not know. I’m sorry,” the prophet said.

The general lowered his head and closed his eyes.

“Edandir, I need to speak with you about Jalarn.”

“What about him? My daughter could die and yet you speak of Ittonifer’s sadistic nephew?”

“Edandir, do you realize that he saved Talya’s life?”

Edandir stared at him.

“Jalarn rescued her from Ittonifer’s sword. His heart is open to God right now, but you don’t have much time.”

“So… it’s true?”


“Talya was trying to tell me something about going back for Jalarn, but I thought that she was just lightheaded from the blood loss. Jalarn, second in command to Ittonifer, saved my Copyright 2016 - 2024