By the Sword - By Sara Flower Page 0,37

her to leave. Do you know what lives in those woods?”

Uittan stopped.

“God has found her to be capable enough,” the prophet replied.

“Those giant men eat humans. Do you understand what you have done? My daughter is going to face those animals alone.”

“Those giants are human. They are worthy of our Savior’s salvation as well. He died for all of us, Edandir. You know that.”

“I just can’t believe you sent her. She is a warrior, yes, but she does not have the maturity to carry out something like this by herself,” the general said.

Uittan rested his hand on Edandir’s shoulder.

“The Lord sent her, General. Talya has many things to work out in her heart, and this journey is more beneficial for her than you could ever imagine. She is young, but she is also courageous and smart.”

“I have to send someone after her. I can’t allow this.”

“I can’t stop you from making that mistake, but I highly suggest that you do not interfere.”

“I am the leader over this entire army, Uittan! If I know that one of my knights – my daughter – is in danger, I will send help.”

“Of course you can. Just remember that this is God’s plan for Talya. Do you want to be the one that interferes? Trust me, you will regret it if you do. And so will she.”

“I am her father.”

“Maybe it is time for you to trust in God, rather than in yourself.”

The prophet left.

Edandir stared after him. He couldn’t argue with God. And the prophet was right. Being a military general, it was more difficult for him at times to lay down his pride and let God take care of things. He should be trusting God to see her through. Still, his faith only went so far. The thought of his only child wandering through the desert, let alone that cursed forest, nearly drove him mad.

He thought back to two years ago. He had done everything he could to discourage Talya’s interest in the army, and it had driven her to Cardamon. He just wanted her to be safe. He did not want to lose Talya, like he had lost her beautiful mother – the only woman that he would ever really love.

Now, his daughter was on a mission to one of the most dangerous forests in the area, and there was nothing that he could do for her. Talya had made the decision to go, and Uittan seemed to believe that she was doing a God-ordained task. Surely He would protect her. Besides, she was one of the bravest and most capable people that Edandir had ever known.

Talya truly is a replica of her mother.

Edandir let out a whoosh of air. At least she would be spared from the battle now. Maybe he should be thankful that she would be far away from the Malinorians and their wicked magic.

Chapter Ten

The morning sun was already pounding down on Talya’s back. Her throat was parched, and she had already gone through three out of the four canteens in her bag. She had to somehow save the rest of her water for the sweltering afternoon that would soon come.

Talya had heard of the arid, barren wilderness, but she never imagined that it would be this hot and dry. She had already seen countless mirages. Surely she would pass by a real stream soon.

At last, she gave in to her thirst and guzzled down half of the last canteen. She needed so much more.

After another hour, another blurry image came into view on the horizon. It looked like several tents. Talya shook her head and wondered what she would see next. Why hadn’t the prophet warned her to take more water? She had already perspired more than she had drunk just a short time ago.

As Talya approached the cloth dwellings, she noticed several desert people were moving about. Some were tending to their goats and pigs, while others were pumping water from wells. They looked real. It all had to be real.

Stars filled Talya’s vision as she approached a woman who was filling a wooden pail with fresh water. Talya wondered if they even spoke the same language. The lady narrowed her eyes suspiciously and set her bucket down.

Talya sat on the well and closed her eyes for a moment, willing the dizzy spell to end.

“I apologize for trespassing,” said Talya, “but I was hoping to refill my canteens. I am journeying to Hunter Forest.”

“Hunter Forest? Are you mad?” the woman spat.

“It’s a special mission,” said Copyright 2016 - 2024