By the Sword - By Sara Flower Page 0,34

did at that moment, but she couldn’t admit that she was anything close to a Malinorian.

“So, why did God choose me for this mission if I am so terrible?” she asked.

Uittan looked away from her for a moment, returning his attention to the starry sky. He was silent for several moments.

“Many are called, but few are chosen,” he said at last.

Talya exhaled loudly. She did not want to disobey God, but she craved the battlefield. It was true that her hate for the Malinorians ran deep within her veins. It was what she had lived for ever since the Holy Wars. Instead of braiding her hair or playing with dolls, she had fought and dueled with other aspiring soldiers. Fighting was in her blood.

A memory of her mother suddenly flashed through Talya’s mind. It was one of the last days they had spent together. They had gone fishing. While they were waiting for a bite, Talya’s mother had said something that she would never forget.

“Things here may change a lot. I just want you to remember that God is always there for you, watching you. Listen to Him and He will guide you always.”

Talya closed her eyes for a moment, wishing that she could go back in time. Even for a moment. But she couldn’t. Her mother was gone.

“What is it that God has called me to do?” asked Talya.

“He wants you to journey to Hunter Forest and reach the giants before Jalarn does.”

A grin slowly tugged at the corners of her mouth. So, she might have a chance to slay the wicked general after all. This mission was suddenly starting to sound a little better.

Talya would use her persuasive skills to convince the giants that they should help Sanctus fight the controlling Malinorians. Her superior sword fighting ability would come in handy if the large men decided that she was an enemy. Then she would take care of Jalarn.

The prophet eyed her suspiciously. He was probably wondering why God would choose a brutal warrior like her to complete the mission.

“I must warn you that God does not wish for you to take any weapons on this mission. You are to bring God’s love to these men, before they are deceived by the devil. Jalarn will use whatever means necessary to make them join him. You need to make them see God’s love. It is not a matter of recruiting them for the war.”

“What if they decide to attack me?”

“The Lord knows your heart, Talya. He has shown me that you have a blood lust. You can’t fool Him.”

Talya didn’t argue.

“Jesus Himself said that those who live by the sword will die by the sword.”

Talya remembered reading those words a few times in the Great Scroll when she was younger, but she had purposely overlooked them.

“You must leave tonight. It will be a five-day journey on foot.”

I don’t even get a horse.

Uittan pulled a scroll from his robe’s pocket.

“You will need this.”

Talya took the scroll from him.

He was right. She called herself a God-follower, but she had not been out to worship God in a very long time. She barely found time to pray to Him, let alone read His Word.

But I’ve been busy, like every other knight.

“Do you accept this mission, Talya?” he asked.

Do I have a choice?

Images of the troubled boy came back to her mind. Maybe if she went on this mission, God would help him if she asked. He had lost his mother, too, but unlike Talya, he was forced to endure the Malinorians’ brutality on a daily basis. The child deserved a better life – a chance to be a normal human, before he grew up to be another soulless killer.

Uittan cleared his throat, bringing Talya back to the present. He was still staring at her.

“I can’t refuse this mission if it is what God really wants me to do.”

Uittan smiled.

“There are many who will never heed God’s will for their lives. You are wiser than they.”

“I’m not so sure about that.”

“The scroll that I gave you contains Luke’s account of Jesus’ Sacrifice. Do not lose this, for you will need it to accomplish the mission. Also,” he added, taking a large ring out of his other pocket, “show this to the eldest of the giants. He will know that it was I who sent you.”

“Thank you.”

Talya had so many questions.

“If I am able to win the giants’ trust and they agree to join with Sanctus, will I be allowed to join our army in Copyright 2016 - 2024