By the Sword - By Sara Flower Page 0,32

a lot since their first meeting. She considered them friends.

“I am anxious to get some more training done before the war,” said Atalsa.

“You have nothing to worry about. You’re the finest archer here,” grinned Tasar.

“And we all know who the superior swordsman is now,” said Talya with a grin.

The three of them laughed.

Tanel, Timlin, and Pori joined them at their table then. Talya nodded at the twins and looked at Tanel, but he ignored her. She bit her lip and tried to ignore how much it hurt to have him be so angry at her.

Timlin and Pori got into a debate about who was better at counter attacks on the field, while Tanel sat in silence, deliberately looking away from her.

Atalsa giggled as Tasar whispered something in her ear. They looked like two pathetic lovebirds.

What a great celebration dinner this has turned out to be.

Talya huffed and focused her attention on the decorated room, but her mind kept wandering back to Tanel. She had never known him to hold a grudge like that before. He used to be a friend that she could count on no matter what.

A delicious meal was placed at their table by a couple of servants. Talya’s stomach growled as she inhaled the aroma of marinated meat, buttery potatoes, and seasoned vegetables.

Timlin reached for a slab of pork, but Pori slapped his hand away.

“The ladies will be served first,” he said.

The strapping knight passed the plate to Talya with a wink.

“Thank you,” she smiled, “but I really don’t mind who takes the first piece of meat. We’re all knights.”

“Yet very few are as lovely as Talya and little Atalsa here,” smiled Pori.

“Watch what you’re saying about her,” snapped Tasar.

“Easy now,” said Pori.

“My brother likes to think of himself as a lady’s man,” laughed Timlin.

He dodged another smack from Pori.

Talya ignored them and passed the plate to Tanel, who said nothing. She rolled her eyes. It was up to him to make things right between them.

She concentrated her attention on the savory food, but she wasn’t very hungry. It was the best cuisine that she had ever tasted, but she couldn’t really enjoy it.

Thanks a lot, Tanel.

After picking at her baked apple dessert with her fork, Talya slipped away from the table and made her way out of the palace. If Tanel despised her that much, she didn’t want to be around him. No one else seemed to pay her much attention at the table other than the occasional flirtatious comment from the twins, which she had no use for. She didn’t appreciate that they only valued the women there for their beauty. She just needed some fresh air.

A guard stopped her before she went out to the courtyard.

“You’re not going to stay and enjoy the rest of the evening, my lady?” he asked.

“I am very grateful for the queen’s kindness, but…”

“No need to explain. Fare thee well.”

“Thank you.”

Talya sighed as a soft evening breeze welcomed her outside of the castle. It was well into the evening, but the sun had not fully set yet. That was one of the things that she loved about summer. The days were so much longer.

Talya could see the training field from where she stood. She felt an immediate urge to practice for the battle. Over two hours of sitting down had been a little too much for her.

She had sparred with Endil all day, but she had neglected her archery as of late. It would not hurt to brush up on her skills. One could never be too sure what tactic she would end up using on the battlefield, especially the one that she would soon be in the middle of.

Talya started in the direction of the archery field.

“Talya!” called an unfamiliar voice.

Talya was amazed to see that the prophet from the forest was approaching her. Her father had mentioned him briefly to her before the dinner. He must have told him about her.

She smiled and walked over to Uittan.

He suddenly plopped down on the ground.

Talya had heard that prophets were often very odd people. She supposed that living alone in the woods would have something to do with his interesting mannerisms.

“Are you also retiring for the night, prophet Uittan?” she asked.

“I have come to speak with you. In fact, you are the very reason that I came here with Queen Roselyn.”


Talya found that hard to believe. Maybe prophets were also good at telling jokes.

The older man smiled warmly.

“I think it would be best if you sat down.”

Talya complied.

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