By the Sword - By Sara Flower Page 0,3

and, with all of his might, brought his sword crashing down onto the maiden’s blade. Her weapon flew from her hands. It landed with a clang on a nearby boulder.

She eyed where the sword had fallen and sprinted toward it. He beat her to it.

He picked it up and pointed both swords at her.

The girl raised her chin and glared at him. Instead of fear, anger radiated from her dark eyes. This one was no coward.

“Does it not disturb you that I am about to end your meaningless life?” he asked.

She pulled a dagger from a small sheath at her thigh.

Defiant to the end, I see. Amazing. For a female.

Jalarn bounded toward her.

She jumped out of the way just in time. She attempted to strike at him, but he quickly spun around and blocked the attack. He stabbed her in the left shoulder with her own sword. The blade went deep, clearly piercing her denial as well as her flesh.

He yanked the sword out of her. The girl’s mouth gaped open in a silent scream as she sank to her knees.


General Edandir led several of his men up the hill toward King Seraphim’s castle. Roughly one hundred Malinorian men were trying to break down the palace doors with a large tree trunk they must have cut down from the forest.

When a few of them saw the knights of Sanctus, they ceased what they were doing and reached for their weapons.

Edandir and his men raced toward their enemies. The Malinorians were weakened from hours of non-stop fighting. It was an easy defeat.

One hundred down.Only several hundred more to go.

“Edandir!” cried King Seraphim.

Edandir looked up.

The king peered over his balcony. Fear was apparent on his pale face.

“We have come to take you and your queen back to Sanctus,” said Edandir.

The king did not respond. Instead, he looked beyond Edandir and pointed.

Edandir turned.

Over three hundred more Malinorian soldiers were charging toward them.


Talya gritted her teeth as agony shot through her shoulder and down her arm. Her dagger was well out of reach now.

I should have never dropped it. I know better.

A pool of blood formed at her feet. She had been soundly defeated.

I can’t die yet!

Images of her mother being trapped inside of that burning house came back to haunt Talya. She could still smell the burning flesh. The Malinorians had torched Talya’s village seven years ago, but the memory was as vivid as the heartless brute that stood in front of her.

He would kill her at any second. His piercing green eyes were far more menacing than the raging lion emblem on his breastplate.

It had never occurred to Talya that she could die that day. The realization of her own fragility hit her like a sledgehammer. She would be another headless body on the forest floor in moments if she did not act fast.

How far will he toss my head? Will anyone even find me way out here, after the forest has burned down? No, stop it. Think.

Sweat poured down Talya’s face. She gagged as she breathed in a lungful of smoke. The fire was very close now.

Talya’s legs trembled as she stood, staring into the Malinorian knight’s eyes. If she was going to die, it was not going to be on her knees.

“Pathetic,” he said.

“You will be the epitome of pathetic when you find yourself in hell one day!” shouted Talya.

The warrior drew back both of the swords that he held. In moments, she would be killed by her own weapon, as well as his.

If I don’t act fast.

Talya shuddered. There was nothing else that she could do, but she was nowhere near ready to die. It had been so long since she had even spoken to God. She had not paid Him much attention since He had allowed her mother to die. Now, guilt set in. Why would He save her now?

“Lord, if you find me worthy enough to save, I will try to be a better person. Even if I die today, I’m sorry for ignoring You.”

“Shut up!” the Malinorian shouted.

Talya spat at him.

“You are alone now, and you will be alone in death,” he said.

What if he’s right?

Hoof beats sounded from behind the Malinorian. He spun around.

Talya stumbled away without looking back, taking advantage of the diversion. She tried to think of what she could use to fight back, but her head spun.

“Talya!” someone shouted from behind.

It’s Tanel!

Talya stopped and turned around. Tanel was on a horse, and it was running toward her, but so was the Malinorian Copyright 2016 - 2024