By the Sword - By Sara Flower Page 0,29

get out of here. Tell your ruler that he is going to have a real battle to prepare for.”

Waltez stood, stared at Edandir for a moment, and then disappeared into the shadows.

“What is going on?”

It was Talya. Tasar and Atalsa were with her.

“I was just speaking with someone. You three should get ready for the banquet.”

“That is what we were about to do. Was that a Malinorian you were speaking to?” asked Talya.

“That is not your concern.”

Tasar and Atalsa looked at one another.

“We will see you at the palace, Talya,” said Atalsa.

“Sure,” she said.

When the two other knights were gone, Talya stepped closer to Edandir.

“I saw that Malinorian commander. Why would you let him go?” she asked.

“He used to be my friend.”

“Exactly. He would kill you in a heartbeat now.”

Edandir shook his head.

“He did try to slay you, didn’t he?”

“I am not discussing this with you.”

Talya exhaled loudly and turned to leave. Then, she stopped and faced Edandir again.

“Wait a minute. If you knew him well once, then that means he was one of the men that turned their backs on Sanctus during the Holy Wars.”

“Talya, don’t get yourself worked up over this. You need to focus on the large task of conquering the empire in a few days.”

“You allowed a man that had a part in burning down my mother’s village to go free. How could you?”

“He never meant to kill her. He thought she was with me.”

“I can’t believe this!” she cried.

“What happened to forgiveness? Do you not recall the Scriptures? The ones that you could very well die for. This war is not about revenge. It is about justice and freedom.”

“Tell that to the ones that are dead.”

“Those that have passed on are with the Lord now. They are happy and at peace now.”

“But they were not supposed to die yet. General Landine would have never let an enemy go like you just did. You are a traitor!”

Talya spun around and left him.


Threatening, black storm clouds loomed above as turbulent winds roared over the darkening plains. The Valley of Dururn was below them now. It was everything that Ittonifer had imagined since his youth.

In the middle of the valley was a small lake of deep, navy waters. It was home to the ancient sea creatures that had once been thought by everyone to be extinct.

The stealthy, Malinorian-bred horses stepped carefully down the steep, rocky slope that led them to the dark body of water.

When they reached the bottom, Aterun shakily got down from his horse and limped over to the lake’s edge. Ittonifer jumped from his saddle and stared at the lake.

“At last,” Ittonifer breathed.

Jalarn got down from his horse and stood at Ittonifer’s side. He was as expectant as everyone else to see the strange, age-old monsters. Soon, the young general would become powerful in the dark arts. When he got to that point, there would no longer be a need for a group of magicians.

Aterun began a chant, stealing Ittonifer away from his thoughts. In moments, he would behold the beasts that would help defeat his final enemy. His worst enemy.

The water’s surface began to bubble. Everyone froze in place as they watched Aterun’s spell unfold. A great roar echoed throughout the valley. Goosebumps covered Ittonifer’s flesh. The growing darkness made the process seem even more surreal.

A terrible beast emerged from the water. He writhed and snarled, shooting fire from his nostrils. Everyone but Aterun instinctively drew back. It was a stunning animal at roughly five times the size of a regular firedrake.

Aterun transformed its fins into powerful long legs. Large, strong wings emerged from its back. By the creature’s reaction, it was quite an unpleasant process to go through. It screamed and thrashed its head about until the metamorphosis was complete.

Next, a giant sea serpent emerged from the deep. Its rigid fangs were lengthened into fatally sharp weapons.

Jalarn watched in fascination. The lad had inherited Ittonifer’s love of watching a living thing suffer. Today, his enjoyment would be short lived.

“Jalarn, I need you take two hundred of our men with you and ride for Hunter Forest now. I will leave up to you how you win over the giants’ allegiance.”

“Of course, my lord. I will depart after Aterun is finished with this.”

“Are you now first in command?”

Jalarn glared at him, but then he averted his gaze and shook his head. He mounted his black stallion and put on his battle mask. Two hundred of his men followed him toward Hunter Forest.


Tanel had just finished Copyright 2016 - 2024