By the Sword - By Sara Flower Page 0,26

or so gut wrenching.

“It isn’t real,” Talya told herself.

She closed her eyes, but she did not return to sleep that night.


Naeshi waited outside of Ittonifer’s throne room, ignoring glares from the guards that stood nearby. He knew that the ruler’s initial reaction would be to throttle him for wasting his time, but Naeshi was prepared for that. He could barely believe what had just happened himself. He and Aterun had found more wealth for Malinor.

The new senior guard finally came out and escorted Naeshi into the room.

Ittonifer was leaning on his throne talking to Chrissa, who stood in front of him with her arms crossed. They spoke in sharp whispers. They were arguing again. Her headstrong nature was infuriating. Still, she looked very alluring in the long, grey gown that hugged her gracefully thin form.

The guard cleared his throat and announced Naeshi’s arrival.

Chrissa rolled her eyes and left the room.

Ittonifer stepped forward, glaring at Naeshi.

“What is the meaning of this?”

“I apologize, m’lord,” said Naeshi, “but I have very important news.”

“This had better be good.”

“I promise you it is. I have found the treasure of the ancient Malinorians!”

“Guards, take this fool out of here and beat him senseless. This is the last time that I will deal with your incompetence, Naeshi. My patience for you has worn thin. Next time you will die. Take him away!”

A guard grabbed him by the arm, but Naeshi shrugged out of his grip.

“Listen to him, Ittonifer,” said Aterun.

Naeshi was surprised to see that the warlock had entered the room. Everyone stared at the magician for a moment.

How did he get back here so quickly?

“He speaks the truth,” continued the warlock. “I was with him when he found the treasure. Send your men to the Cobalt Mountains, my lord, and it will all be there.”

Ittonifer studied Naeshi for a moment before pointing at his new lead guard.

“Send twenty of our men along with our sturdiest carts. Bring the treasure back to the castle.”

The man bowed and left the room.

Ittonifer looked at Naeshi as though he was re-evaluating him.

“Well, well, Naeshi. Perhaps I was wrong about your incompetence. Go with them and show them my newest installment of wealth. Your discovery will not go unrewarded.”

Chapter Eight

Jalarn stood in front of the pool inside the warlock’s cave. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply in an attempt to clear his mind, just like Aterun had told him to do. He relaxed as best he could and started a chant that he had learned from two days ago.

He opened his eyes and, to his pleasure, a foggy vision appeared before him. It showed the army of Sanctus preparing for battle. Thousands upon thousands of knights trained alongside their general.

The general that should have been torn apart by that tornado.

It was all futile. Their large number of skilled men would never stand up to what he and his uncle had planned.

The image faded, and in its place was a striking, dark-haired woman riding a white mare in a field of long grass. Her soft lips moved in what was probably a prayer to her God.

Queen Roselyn.

She was very far from home. Far from safety.

“I see you’re embracing your new powers.”

It was Ittonifer. Jalarn wondered how long his uncle has been lurking in the darkness watching him.

“I trust that you will delay our departure until I am finished here,” said Jalarn, without turning around.

“That is Queen Roselyn,” said Ittonifer.

The tone in his voice was strange. Jalarn had never heard his uncle speak like that before.

“Yes. I am going to send a pack of wolves after her. Sanctus will soon be without a queen. The general will have more than a battle to think about.”

“Aterun has failed to tell you that a spell is more effective when you go after the mind or body of a human. Manipulating animals and the weather takes years of dedication and experience. Trust me.”

“Well, I am confident that it is going to work this time. I have meditated on this one for days. Attacking the person directly doesn’t entice as much fear as sending ravenous animals to tear her apart.”

“You have learned very much in such a short time, but if you act like a foolish child with this magic, I will force you to focus your attention elsewhere, understand?”

Jalarn clenched his fists, doing his best to maintain control of his temper.

“Yes, my lord.”

Thick silence filled the air.

“Do you not want me to cast the spell on the queen?”

“Of course I do!”

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