By the Sword - By Sara Flower Page 0,19

iron mask and tossed it, glaring at Talya.

“You almost got us killed!” he shouted.

“I apologize, Sir,” replied Talya, “but there was a girl in trouble and…”

“It was bad enough that you deliberately disobeyed my orders earlier. I was considering making you a commander after this mission, but your foolishness and lack of respect have cost you a promotion.”

Tanel and the others stared at her with accusatory eyes, but they said nothing.

Talya looked away from them. She had never felt so humiliated in all her life. She glanced down at her dragon, who had loyally carried her higher in the air. She patted her mount gently, regretting how hard she had kicked him when the enemy had been so close. Instead of nudging Talya with his nose, he ignored her.

Looks like everyone hates me right now.

Jalarn would not let the wench and the others get away. He waited until their dragons ascended closer to the clouds before uttering one of the destructive chants that he had just learned. The old warlock must have known that he would need to use the storm enchantment that day. It had been impeccable timing that he had only learned of it last evening.

Jalarn’s pulse quickened. It was time to test his new ability. Malinor’s secret as well as his reputation depended on the spell working.

He lifted his sword and repeated the age-old cantillation with a loud voice. The gale picked up and thick, black storm clouds pushed their way toward his enemies.

Jalarn’s knights stirred uncomfortably.

“The storm will not harm us. The prince’s power has manifested before our eyes, and it will destroy our enemies,” said Jalarn.

A single lightning bolt hit the ground nearby. Thunder roared all around them. The tempest had begun.

“Jalarn, what are you doing?” asked Waltez.

“It’s General Jalarn to you. Watch and see,” he said.

Two funnels emerged from the sky directly in front of the fleeing enemy; more formed around and behind them. They quickly evolved into swirling, violent tornadoes.

Sanctus’ precious general and his knights would be swallowed whole by the storm.

Chapter Six

The knights looked frantically around, searching for a possible way around the tornadoes. No natural force could have formed multiple twisters so close together. General Edandir and his knights had been ensnared by a spell.

Talya steered her dragon close to Edandir.

“This is my fault!” she cried.

“Talya, you didn’t cause this.”

He wanted to hold her as he had when she was a small child, but their bond had been broken because of his own pride.

“They found us because I slowed you all down!” she shouted above the howling wind.

Edandir reached over to hold her hand, but both of their dragons struggled against the strong pull of the tornadoes.

“Surely He will deliver thee from the snare of the fowler.”

Edandir felt something stir his spirit. Cheap sorcery paled in comparison to his God’s power. They couldn’t escape out of the trap on their own, but with their Heavenly Father, they could.

The general bowed his head.

“What are you doing, General?” shouted Timlin. “We can’t just stay here. We need to find a way out.”

“With your sword, foolish brother?” called Pori.

“We are God followers, let us act like it. Pray!” boomed Sir Endil.

Talya’s dragon shrieked and writhed, distracting Edandir from his prayer. Talya patted its neck, but the spooked animal still flew further away from the group.

“Talya, get back here!” cried Tanel.

“I’m trying!” she shouted.

Talya tried frantically to control the dragon, but they were rapidly being pulled toward one of the dark, windy cones.

Edandir clenched his teeth. He was not going to let some demoniac magician destroy his daughter.

“Please, Lord, stop this madness. Don’t let my daughter die by the hand of the devil. I don’t know how to stop this spell, but You do.”

Edandir kicked his dragon’s sides and went after Talya. If he couldn’t save her, he would die trying.

“Lord Jesus, we cannot do this on our own. Save us. Give me another chance with Talya. She is so young still. Save her and my men!”

Edandir grabbed Talya’s hand and pulled her toward him just as her firedrake was pulled into the closest tornado.


Jalarn watched his enemies struggle in the violent sky. They were trapped. Even from where he stood with his men, the roaring caused by the powerful winds was almost deafening. Soon, the magnificent force of the tornadoes would draw all of them in to their deaths. Malinor’s plan would stay a secret and Ittonifer would be very pleased with him.

“Magnificent work, General,” said Waltez.

Jalarn nodded.

Then, the twisters began to lift from Copyright 2016 - 2024