By the Sword - By Sara Flower Page 0,16

has found out where ten of the great beasts of old reside. We will use them, along with our superior power, to destroy Sanctus.”

The crowd cheered.

The great beasts of old? I wonder what other secrets the prince will soon reveal… to me alone.

Ittonifer turned to leave the field.

Jalarn followed closely behind him feeling more dazed than he ever had before.

At last, after countless hours of blood, pain, and sweat, everything was falling into place for him. As the General of Malinor, he would have better opportunities to learn and make use the prince’s spells. He was not alone anymore.


Chrissa left the coliseum with her four handmaidens. She had just experienced the most captivating sight of her life, and all she wanted was to be alone to think.

She trailed behind her servants and then stepped into the great, fast-moving crowd on the street. She brought her lace shawl over her head and picked up her pace, pushing her way through the congested road. She found a less busy street and walked briskly.

She smiled as the sun’s rays warmed her face. Sunshine, among other things, was far too rare in Malinor.

Chrissa slowed when she passed by the various merchants. Several of them called out to her, motioning toward their goods.

“Take a look at my gold bracelet collection, little miss!” cried one of the men.

“Good day, fair lady. Come take a loaf of my fresh bread before they are all gone,” grinned a pudgy baker.

“Miss! Have I got a bargain for you,” said another man.

The aggressive voices started to blend together.

Chrissa passed them by. The last thing she needed was more useless trinkets. The only thing that she really wanted was her own sword, and her father had denied her that pleasure.

She finally reached the most beautiful fountain in the city. It had been a long time since she had seen it, because she rarely had a chance to get out of the castle.

Chrissa sat on the smooth, marble edge and watched the water dance. Just as her mind began to wander, she heard menacing footsteps come up from behind her.

“It is far too sunny for a fair maiden to be sitting outside.”


Chrissa bit her lip and turned to face the man that was quickly becoming her worst enemy. She had not considered the possibility of him following her there.

“Good day, Sir Naeshi,” she said, trying to sound casual.

She stood up, intending to run.

“Indeed,” he scoffed.

He clenched her upper arm before she could move away, dragging her down the road. She struggled, but it was pointless.

“Let go of me, please!”

“Not until you make up for how you treated me the other night.”


Talya and the rest of the spies had to jog in order to keep up with General Edandir’s long strides. She had never been more relieved to be out of a place in her life.

The devil himself spoke to me back there… and I almost listened to him. I had no idea that Ittonifer was so involved in this black magic. Then again, I had no idea that the stuff was even real.

Talya realized then that she was alone. She had trailed well behind the others.

Thanks to this ridiculous armor.

Her clothes underneath were drenched in sweat. The armor was way too big and the weather was much too hot.

She picked up her pace to catch up with her group when a muffled cry startled her.

Talya stopped walking and listened. This time, a scream pierced the air. It seemed to be coming from the other side of the street.

Talya crossed the road and came to a narrow, dark alley. She unsheathed her sword and stepped quietly.

In the dimly lit enclosure, a Malinorian guard was holding a wispy, dark-haired girl by the wrists. Talya’s pulse spiked and she gritted her teeth. The maiden was struggling in vain to run away from the brute. She almost broke free, but he quickly caught her by the waist and slammed her into the wall again.

“Enough!” shouted Talya.

Both of them froze and stared at her.

Talya threw off her cumbersome helmet.

“A woman of Sanctus!” spat the man.

He unsheathed his sword and stepped away from the girl.

“I was a Cardamonian woman.”

“I’ll split you in two!”

He stalked toward her.

Talya stifled a laugh and focused on his movements. She blocked his first slash and then quickly swirled around to slice his exposed upper arm.

The man swung his sword at her head.

Talya ducked and then lifted her sword to meet his.

He spun around and then swung at her midsection. Talya leaped out of Copyright 2016 - 2024