By the Sword - By Sara Flower Page 0,10

on her. She was dressed in a sleeveless gown in the same inky shade as her hair. It hugged her tall, graceful form and emphasized her creamy white complexion. Her blue eyes glared back at the man before she returned her attention to the view below.

If the guard did not do anything to mess up, like the one before him, Ittonifer would give Chrissa to him. It was high time that another man was given the responsibility of handling her.

Ittonifer walked with Naeshi back through his chamber and down the long hallway that led to Jalarn’s wing.

Jalarn met them at the end of the hallway. The lad wore his typical arrogant expression. Unlike most twenty year olds, he was quickly climbing his way to the top of an empire. Still, he had a long way to go before he impressed Ittonifer.

“Speak, Jalarn,” said Ittonifer.

“I trust that you know Cardamon is now part of the empire,” said Jalarn.

“Is the king dead?” asked Ittonifer.

“Yes. But not before he had offered to give us half of Cardamon’s wealth as tribute, and in exchange for their lives. I kept him alive long enough for him to show me where their country’s wealth is stored, and then killed him myself. Waltez took care of the queen.”

Ittonifer grinned.

So, my brother’s son has turned out to be as shrewd as he is strong.

“Where is my money?” asked Ittonifer.

“Half of it is being brought to the vault as we speak, and I will send a group back to collect the remaining treasures. We have experienced great victory,” said Jalarn.

“You are wrong, young commander,” said Ittonifer. “We are not victorious until Sanctus is defeated and every follower of this so-called God is slain.”

Jalarn nodded, but annoyance flickered in his eyes. It would do him good to remember his place.

“How many Cardamonians were slain, Commander?” asked Naeshi.

“Nearly everyone, but a few cowards managed to escape. Some knights from Sanctus came unexpectedly on horseback, but they did little damage. We managed to take many of them, but their general got away.”

“So, General Edandir has been sticking his battle-hungry nose where it is not wanted again,” said Ittonifer.

If Ittonifer knew General Edandir as well as he thought he did, the man would persuade that flighty woman ruler to let him lead his army to Malinor. It would be refreshing to have a worthy enemy to go to war against.

Ittonifer was pleased with the fall of Cardamon, as well as his new installment of wealth, but there was still much more that they needed to accomplish. Even once they overtook Sanctus, it would not be enough for him.There was a whole world of interesting land out there.

“We must ensure our victory over Sanctus. We are strong, but outnumbered. They have powers from their religion that we cannot ignore.”

“Hardly comparable to the great power of our lord, the great prince,” Jalarn argued. “I think we need to focus on gaining more knowledge from him.”

“Yes,” said Ittonifer with a nod. “Our great prince is willing to help those that prove themselves.”

Ittonifer was impressed at Jalarn’s thought process. The boy was becoming more like him.


Talya and Tasar stood on the field outside of the meal house glaring at one another. A small crowd of knights had already gathered around them.

“Ready when you are, little lady,” said Tasar with a grin.

Talya sprinted toward Tasar and blocked his careless swing. Tasar’s large frame was still clumsy and inexperienced. Cardamonian knights were generally a couple of years ahead in skill and agility. There had been no better teacher than General Landine.

Tasar hit Talya in the stomach with a high kick, catching her off guard. She stumbled backward, annoyed with herself for allowing her mind to wander so easily. Talya took a run at him and hit the lower part of his sword with all her might, knocking it from his hand. She stood with the point of her blade at his chest.

Many of the knights cheered and hollered. Some laughed.

“I guess I could use some more training. You’re good,” he muttered.

“We all can improve in some way,” said Talya.

They shook hands. He wasn’t so bad, after all.

Tasar and Atalsa walked together back to the meal cabin. Some of the young men taunted Tasar for being beaten by a girl.

They haven’t seen anything yet, Talya thought.

Talya stepped away from the crowd and practiced her swinging techniques.

“It sure is energizing to practice while the morning is still cool,” said a familiar voice.

It was General Edandir. Talya regarded him with a nod Copyright 2016 - 2024