The Sweetest Dark - By Shana Abe Page 0,44

seemed a mere suggestion against the covers, his hair a shaded smudge against the paler lines of his collar and face.

“But I’ve been waiting for you for over an hour up here, and bloody boring it’s been, too. I’ve never known a girl who didn’t keep even mildly wicked reading material hidden somewhere in her bedchamber. I’ve had to pass the time watching the spiders crawl across your ceiling.”

Voices floated up from downstairs, a maids’ conversation about rags and soapy water sounding horribly loud, and horribly close.

I shut the door as gently as I could and pressed my back against it, my mind racing. No lock, no bolt, no key, no way to keep them out if they decided to come up.…

Armand shifted a bit, rearranging the pillows behind his shoulders.

I wet my lips. “If this is about the kiss—”

“No.” He gave a slight shrug. “I mean, it wasn’t meant to be. But if you’d like—”

“You can’t be in here!”

“And yet, Eleanore, here I am. You know, I remember this room from when I used to live in the castle as a boy. It was a storage chamber, I believe. All the shabby, cast-off things tossed up here where no one had to look at them.” He stretched out long and lazy again, arms overhead, his shirt pulling tight across his chest. “This mattress really isn’t very comfortable, is it? Hard as a rock. No wonder you’re so ill-tempered.”

Dark power. Compel him to leave.

I was desperate enough to try.

“You must go,” I said. Miraculously, I felt it working. I willed it and it happened, the magic threading through my tone as sly as silk, deceptively subtle. “Now. If anyone sees you, you were never here. You never saw me. Go downstairs, and do not mention my name.”

Armand sat up, his gaze abruptly intent. One of the pillows plopped to the floor.

“That was interesting, how your voice just changed. Got all smooth and eerie. I think I have goose bumps. Was that some sort of technique they taught you at the orphanage? Is it useful for begging?”

Blast. I tipped my head back against the wood of the door and clenched my teeth.

“Do you have any idea the trouble I’ll be in if they should find you here? What people will think?”

“Oh, yes. It rather gives me the advantage, doesn’t it?”

“Mrs. Westcliffe will expel me!”

“Nonsense.” He smiled. “All right, probably she will.”

“Just tell me what you want, then!”

His lashes dropped; his smile grew more dry. He ran a hand slowly along a crease of quilt by his thigh.

“All I want,” he said quietly, “is to talk.”

“Then pay a call on me later this afternoon,” I hissed.


“What, you don’t have the time to tear yourself away from your precious Chloe?”

I hadn’t meant to say that, and, believe me, as soon as the words left my lips I regretted them. They made me sound petty and jealous, and I was certain I was neither.

Reasonably certain.

Armand’s smile briefly grew wider, then vanished. His fingers moved back and forth, playing with the dips and peaks of the crease.

“Where did you learn that piece?” he asked. “The one you played on the piano yesterday?”

And there it was again expanding between us, that electric, ill-defined challenge that felt like danger. Or excitement. I knew his question wasn’t casual. He might have been a selfish wretch, but I wasn’t the only one who’d get in trouble if we were discovered. It was Visitors’ Day, after all, and he could have easily cornered me at the tea. If he’d felt it necessary to sneak all the way up to my room to ask me about the song, it meant he didn’t want anyone to overhear.

Perhaps that might give me the advantage.

I remembered how his face had looked when I was finished playing. How white. How shocked.

“Why do you want to know?”

The shrug again. “Just wondering.”

“Really. You’ve skipped your lawn tennis or duck hunting or whiskey drinking or whatever else people of your sort do all day, only to come all the way out to the island to ask me about the piano piece. Because you were just wondering.” I pushed away from the door. “Coming here to kiss me would have been more believable.”

“Well, it was second on my list.”

“I’m not intimidated by you,” I said, blunt. “If you’re hoping I’ll turn out to be some pathetic, blubbering little rag-girl who begs you not to ruin her, you’re in for a surprise.”

“That’s good.” Lord Armand met my eyes. “I like Copyright 2016 - 2024