The Sweet Talker (Boston Hawks Hockey #1) - Gina Azzi Page 0,74

a claim where the baby and I are concerned. But it definitely got better, easier, right. In the weeks that followed our discovery, we focused on our relationship, on each other.

I started to realize that by swearing off hockey players, I was missing out. At least where Noah’s concerned.

“Where do you think you’re going so early?” He opens one eye, followed by the other, his voice still raspy with sleep.

“Good morning, baby.” I bend down to kiss his forehead before I swipe my wallet off his nightstand.

“What time is it?” he asks, pulling himself into a seated position. The sheet slips down to his waist and I lose my breath.

“Seven. Go back to bed.”

“Wait.” He reaches for me and pulls himself from bed. “I’ll make you coffee.”

“You’re sweet but I’m saving my caffeine for this afternoon when I hit a wall.”

Noah frowns. “Still exhausted?”

I shrug. “To be expected according to Dr. Jensen. At least for another few weeks.”

“Are you sure you want to tell your family before your trip to South Asia?” he asks for the third time this week.

I nod, grinning at him. No doubt, my parents are going to want me to call off my trip. I’m sure they’re going to hover and be super overprotective, the same way Noah was until I dug my heels in. But this trip, my career, is on my terms. I know my body and I know how hard to push myself. Being pregnant definitely changes things but it doesn’t change everything and the second everyone else wraps their head around that, the easier it will be for me. “I’m sure. We’re having dinner at Mom and Dad’s on …”


“Yes.” I snap my fingers. “Tomorrow.”

Noah chuckles and wraps his arms around me. He pulls me against his chest and presses a kiss to my shoulder. “Sure you have to go so early?”

“Yes, I need to prep before my first lecture.”

He grinds his hips against mine. “Nothing I can do to convince you to stay?”

I snort, reaching back to pinch his side. “Don’t tempt me, Scotch. You know my willpower is shaky where you’re concerned.”

“Your willpower is tough as steel where everyone is concerned,” he mutters, dropping his hold after one more kiss to the back of my neck. “Have a great morning. I’ll meet you at our spot for lunch?”

“Our spot? Don’t tell Torsten. But yeah, I’ll be there. Hey, what’s going on with Torsten anyway?” I wander into the hallway, down the stairs, and into the foyer with Noah close behind me.

“Hell if I know. Between him and my brother…” He shakes his head. “I’ll hit him up, see if he wants to grab a coffee or something.”

“Good.” I shrug into my coat. “See you later.”

“Bye, baby.” Noah smiles and my chest feels melty. “Love you.”

“Love you too.”

For so long, too long, I avoided the kind of relationships that would lead to a deep commitment. I didn’t want my chest to melt or my heart to race or my nerves to zing. But Noah drew me in from that first encounter. In fact, his first kiss pulled me under. Now, I don’t even want to come up for air. Not when I can feel like this.

I smile back and leave his place, pushing into the arctic cold of December in Boston.

I walk half a block to my parked car and slip behind the steering wheel. A few months ago, a pregnancy would have rocked my world. I would have felt overwhelmed and petrified, knowing I was doing everything in the wrong order with no tick marks to cross off on my to-do list.

But with Noah, it’s different. My hand rests against my stomach and even though I’m not showing at all, I know that my tiny baby is in there. Filling me up with confidence when I anticipated doubt, giving me an edge when I’ve always held back, keeping me company so I never feel alone.

I ease my car out of the parking space and head to the university. After so many years of trying to do everything the right way, in the right order, I’ve never felt as fulfilled as I do now. I have my dream job, my dream man, and a dream come true on the way.

Noah is nervous.

The jittery tapping of his fingers against the island countertop along with how many times he’s cleared his throat makes me smile. His vulnerability is sweet. Even I know that this—telling your girlfriend’s parents that you got her pregnant—is out Copyright 2016 - 2024