The Sweet Talker (Boston Hawks Hockey #1) - Gina Azzi Page 0,64

of mine. The fresh scents of mountain air and pine wrap around me and I wish he would open his arms, scoop me up, and make me feel safe.

Because right now, I’m petrified.

“Indy.” His voice is strained. He touches my wrist, hesitation and concern rippling over his expression.

“Good game, Noah.” I lift the corner of my mouth but can’t bring myself to smile fully and he sees it.

“What’s wrong?” He inches closer, his eyes burning.

I tip my head down the hall. “Can we get out of here?”

He nods and even though we’re not together, he threads his fingers with mine and leads me out of the arena, not caring who sees, not caring about anything except me.

The realization makes my eyes sting and I silently curse myself. Pull it together, Indiana. Today, in a crazy whirlwind where Google and SEO became my best friends, I read about the wild and unpredictable pregnancy hormones. Right now, I am that woman. Overcome with too many damn feelings to process any of them.

Noah tucks me into the passenger seat of his car and slides behind the steering wheel. He flips on the ignition and cold air immediately blasts from the vents. He flips the temperature dial all the way to hot and we sit in silence for several breaths as the car gradually warms. Noah turns to look at me, his fingertips tapping the top of the center console.

“Indy, just tell me. Are you okay?”

I nod, not trusting my voice.

“Did something happen? Are you sick?” Anguish ripples over his face, his tone pleading.

“Kind of,” I manage, tears welling in my eyes.

His expression is stricken as he stares at me with wide eyes. “Baby, whatever it is, you can tell me. I don’t care if we’re hooking up or not, I’m here for you.”

I nod, bringing my hands to my cheeks.

“Talk to me, Indy,” he pleads.

I close my eyes, not wanting to see his expression as I blurt out, “I’m pregnant.”

The words hover between us, causing the air to shift. Noah stops talking. I force my eyes open. His head jerks back like I pushed him and he stares at me in confusion. “Um, what?”

I work a swallow and repeat myself, relieved my voice doesn’t crack. “I’m pregnant, Noah.”

“A baby?”

I nod. Noah’s hand slides off the center console and wraps around my wrist. Still, I can’t read his thoughts other than the sheer confusion in his eyes.

“I just found out today,” I add.

“Are you—”

“I’m keeping it.”

He shakes his head and I flinch, ripping my wrist from him.

He grabs it again, squeezing. “That’s not what I was going to ask.” He dips his head to meet my eyes so I’m staring directly into his when he says, “I was going to ask if you’re okay?”

I blow out a sigh, my body burning hot and cold. Nerves and fear and uncertainty swirl through my limbs with the force of a hurricane. I feel like I’m going to be sick.


“I don’t know.” I look at him. The more seconds that tick by without him freaking out causes my emotions to swirl violently. I feel wild, out of control, scared out of my mind.

Noah’s expression softens. Without hesitating, he leans over the center console and pulls me into his arms. The second my face rests against his shoulder, I breathe him in. Tears track my cheeks as I cry and Noah holds me.

“Noah, I don’t know,” I repeat myself.

“You are, Indy,” he says without a trace of doubt. “You are.”



She pulls back and stares at me like she’s not sure if she believes me or not.

My heart pumps furiously, my head buzzing with a million thoughts, questions, but catching the look on Indy’s face, I force myself to hold them back. She’s overwhelmed, fuck, I feel overwhelmed and I’m not the pregnant one.

A baby. Indy’s pregnant with my baby.

I blow out a sigh. I can’t think about that now. I need to keep my focus on Indy. “Are you hungry?”

She shakes her head. “Can we just, can you take me home?” Her voice is small and I hate it. I hate hearing the uncertainty there when I’ve come to know her as being larger than life.

“Yeah. We’ll pick something up on the way to your place. You need to eat.” It comes out more forceful than I intend but whatever. She does need to eat. She looks pale, exhausted…upset.

I’m going to have a baby.

The thought makes me shake my head as I pull out of the parking lot Copyright 2016 - 2024