The Sweet Talker (Boston Hawks Hockey #1) - Gina Azzi Page 0,36

shaking his head. “She doesn’t date hockey players.”

I bite the corner of my mouth to keep from saying anything.

Austin’s laughter increases. “I’m serious, man. She has sworn off hockey players, much to my uncle’s delight.”

“I just like seeing her, that’s all. She’s like a breath of fresh air after a shitty year,” I finally say, not wanting to admit just how much real estate Little Indy Merrick is taking up in my mind. And not wanting to dismiss the fact that I’m into her either. Jesus, what a limbo to be in.

Austin pulls into a parking spot and turns off the car. He stares at me for a long beat. “Indy’s special, Scotch. She’s not like the girls you’re used to.”

I scowl. “What do you mean the girls I’m used to?”

“She’s not like Courtney.”

“No shit.”

Austin shrugs. “I’m just saying, she’s special.”

“I know that. That’s why I like her.”

“And she doesn’t date hockey players.”

“You already said that.”

He lifts an eyebrow, his intent clear. I’m not going to end up with his cousin. “I’m saying it again.”

I shake my head, forcing a smile. “I heard you the first time, Merrick.”

He opens the car door. “Just making sure, Scotch.”

I follow Austin into the restaurant. As soon as we cross the threshold, fans are cheering and clapping. We’re ushered quickly to the table as a few people even stand from their chairs to applaud our performance tonight. Austin and I grin and wave and say a lot of “thank you’s.”

When we arrive at the table in the back of the restaurant, Austin cringes and I crack up at the balloons tied to the back of his chair. I swear, Mary Merrick is my favorite human on Earth. It doesn’t matter that her son is captain of an NHL team, he’s still her little boy and she still does things like buy balloons for his chair and send cupcakes to the team locker room on his birthday.

My laughter dies as she springs into action, untying some of Austin’s balloons and adding them to the chair beside his. “For you, my dear.” She points at me.

Austin snorts and I punch him in the shoulder.

“Great game, guys,” Indy’s dad says, ushering us to our chairs. I can tell he’s holding back his laughter from Mary’s antics.

Claire rushes us, giving us each a hug. Vanny kisses our cheeks and Mike shakes our hands. Indy wraps us in quick hugs, blushing when I smile at her.

We all sit down and appetizers arrive as if on demand while we take a few moments to scan the menu and choose entrees. Wine is poured, bread rolls are buttered, and the happy, loud chatter of the Merrick family fills my ears. Glancing around the table, a pang hits my chest. I wish Easton was here. But when I spot Indy’s glowing face, her eyes shimmering at whatever tale Vanny and her husband Mike are recounting, some of my worries ease. Instead, I let Indy’s sunshine and warmth wash over me and I realize just how happy I am that she’s here.



“You’re coming,” Claire demands.

“I feel like this is a theme in our lives,” I counter, trying to beg off of drinks with the team tonight. Not because I don’t want to go, I do. But because I have a full teaching day tomorrow and I’d rather not do it hungover.

“You don’t have to drink,” Claire promises.

I raise an eyebrow.

“Vanny’s even coming!” She tries again and my resolve begins to crack. I’ve barely seen Savannah since she moved to New York. With her husband’s hockey schedule and her own job as a teacher, she hasn’t been back to Boston in over a month.

“Please, Indy.” Savannah grips my arm and gives me her puppy-dog eyes. “Mike and I never get to come out with you guys.”

“Yeah, Indy. Please.” Mike pouts and I snort.

Rolling my eyes, I agree. “Okay, I’ll come. But I can only have one drink.”

Claire coughs.

“Two, max,” I amend.

Claire whoops and Savannah hugs me closer.

I turn to say goodbye to my parents and aunt and uncle and thank them for dinner.

Mom hugs me goodbye. “Have fun, Indiana. Really, these are the nights you should go out and enjoy. The whole city is alive tonight.”

I pull back and grin at her. “Mom, you’re supposed to encourage me to go home and prepare for my classes.”

She scoffs, humor in the lines around her mouth. “Please, Indiana, you’ve been over prepared for the past decade. Have a little fun.”

I press a kiss to her cheek. Copyright 2016 - 2024