The Sweet Talker (Boston Hawks Hockey #1) - Gina Azzi Page 0,22

and bottomless, like the sea. Jesus, a man could get lost in Indy’s eyes. “Okay.”

When our server, Shell, arrives, Indy orders for us and Torsten tacks on his lunch and a couple appetizers to split. Then, we turn our attention toward Indy.

Her grin is straight up goofy, like she can’t hold her news in one second longer. “I’m planning a trip!”

“A trip?” Torsten asks, frowning as he tries to piece together why this is news at all.

“Yes!” Indy exclaims. “A research trip. I’m going to take a group of my second-year students to Bangladesh over winter break. We’re going to be learning about microfinance initiatives that favor women and how this lends to household social mobility. It’s statistically proven that women make better decisions for the family than men, which is one of the reasons why these loans, although small, have been so impactful.”

“Wow,” I mutter, impressed.

Torsten’s eyes are wide as he stares at Indy like he doesn’t know her.

She chuckles and bites the corner of her mouth. “Lame?”

“Not at all, Indy. That’s… pretty fucking awesome.” I like the concept of her research trip almost as much as I like hearing her talk about it.

“You’re a badass brainiac, aren’t you?” Torsten asks. “You must be bored out of your mind at hockey games.”

“Nah.” She shakes her head.

“She doesn’t watch them. She’s too busy reading her books,” I explain to Torsten who laughs as Indy blushes and averts her gaze.

“The trip is in December?” I ask as the server drops off our appetizers.

“Yes. I’ve got so much planning and organizing to do before then. I need to choose the students in the next week or so too. Lots to do but I’m really excited about it. I remember my first time conducting field research. There’s nothing like it. Being connected to strangers, working toward a common goal, feeling like you’re contributing to a big change for someone’s life. This is the reason why I wanted to become a professor. I never anticipated having this opportunity my first year but the professor who usually runs the trip has a medical issue and backed out.” She talks using her hands, gesturing wildly. It’s something she does when she’s excited and I like that she’s passionate about her work. Her eyes twinkle as she says, “Lucky me.”

“I’m sure you’ll figure it all out,” Torsten says.

“Hope so.” Indy picks up a bowl and adds some salad to her place. “How was practice?”

Torsten and I both groan.

“That good, huh?”



They grimace.

Immediately, I feel bad for Noah and Torsten. It’s hard when you’ve been playing with the same guys for so many years. Noah, Austin, and Easton have comprised the first-string offensive line for over four years. The guys have been playing together since they were kids. Having someone new trying to fall into their rhythm is a huge change for everyone, including the new guy.

“I’m sorry, guys. I remember when my dad—”

“Had to team up with Ray Silver.” Torsten leans back in his chair. “They ended up being unstoppable.”

“They did.” I tip my coffee mug in his direction, pleased he already got my point. “I can’t imagine how difficult this is for you guys. Or for the new guy.”

“Eddie Sims,” Noah supplies.

“Sims.” I nod, committing his name to my memory. “It’s frustrating and it’s going to be a lot of baby steps. But you all have to be open-minded and willing to change certain things. It could lead to an even better performance.” I duck my head and bite my tongue. Why am I preaching to these guys? After a tough morning on the ice, it’s probably the last thing they need. “Sorry.”

“No,” Noah exhales, scrubbing a hand along his jawline. “You’re right. I just hate hearing the truth sometimes.”

Torsten snorts. “It’s hard because we want East back.”

“Of course you do,” I sympathize, glancing at Noah. His expression is severe, the lines around his eyes deeper than they were a moment ago. I can’t imagine how he must be feeling right now. Most likely pinging between loyalty to his brother and loyalty to his team.

Torsten’s phone rings and he pulls it from his pocket, his scowl intensifying as he swears. “I’m sorry, guys, I need to take this. Give me a minute?” He glances from me to Noah.

I nod as Noah waves him away. Torsten stands and lifts the phone to his ear, heading for the exit.

When Noah looks at me, I catch his gaze and hold it. His eyes burn, darker than midnight. I can’t read Copyright 2016 - 2024