The Sweet Talker (Boston Hawks Hockey #1) - Gina Azzi Page 0,16

at all.”

“But you slept with her.”

“I shouldn’t have,” I groan, knowing that tangling Indy up in my sheets and devouring her was fucked up on my part. Still, not regretting it one bit.

“She tell you that?” My brother sounds skeptical.


“So? Why are you jumping to conclusions?”

“It just, it doesn’t seem right. She’s not a puck bunny.”

“Definitely not a puck bunny. But maybe someone you could think about hanging out with, casually date. You don’t have to put a ring on it to make it meaningful.”

I take another swig of coffee, knowing that on some level my brother is offering a very rational point of view. But it doesn’t feel rational. It feels like if I dated Indy, it would entail more than I can give. More than I’m good for. And it’s stupid but I don’t want that for her. I want more for her than me. “Not gonna happen, man. I just need to have a conversation with her, make sure we’re good and on the same page, and forget last night ever happened.”

“Did you kiss her in public last night? At the team thing?” Easton wonders, probably imagining me sucking face with Indy as the team looks on. Like I have been with other girls ever since Courtney called off our wedding.

“No, it wasn’t like that. She came home with me.”

“Just out of the blue?”

I swear. “I’m not explaining this well. Last night, the team got together. Claire and Indy showed up and Claire”—I wince, not wanting to bring up alcohol but at the same time, not knowing how to avoid it—“well, she had a little too much to drink. Austin took her home and asked me to keep an eye on Indy.”

“I doubt he meant sleep with my cousin,” Easton supplies but his words are wrapped in humor, which encourages me to continue with the story.

“Smartass. Torsten got involved—”

“Shots,” Easton surmises.

“Anyway, on the way to her house there was an accident and traffic was backed up so I invited her here. I swear I wasn’t planning on doing anything but then…”

“You fucked her.”

“We slept together,” I amend. “She was gone before I even woke up.”

“Ouch. Color me impressed.” Easton snorts.

I laugh. “I can’t believe we are having this long of a conversation about a hook-up.”

“Nah, it’s because you like her, man.”

“It’s not going to happen,” I reiterate.

“Yeah, okay.” He chuckles. “Hey, how’s Claire?”

I frown. “She’s good. You gonna ask about Austin next?”

“Nah. I’ll still see his ugly mug. I’ve been cleared to have visitors so he’s coming next week.”

“Count me in too.”


“Of course, East. I want to support you through this. Whatever you need.”

Easton clears his throat. “Thanks, Noah.”

“It’s only eleven weeks. Stick it out. Austin and I will drop by next week. We’ll have lunch.”

“Yeah, okay,” my brother sighs, and I can hear the thread of uncertainty in the sound. He’s struggling. For all his talk about being straight, Easton battles a lot of demons. He puts up one hell of a fight, but sometimes, there are just too many for one man to slay.

“Hang in there,” I say.

“You too, Noah. And honestly man, if you’re feeling Indy, give it a shot.”

“We’ll see,” I say noncommittally. “Later, East.”

“Bye, bro.” He hangs up.

Draining my coffee mug, I stand from the barstool and stretch. I rinse my mug out in the sink and place it next to Indy’s. Checking my phone, I note it’s already ten and Austin replied to my text.

Austin: 555-9317 All okay with Indy?

Me: Yeah man, just wanted to check in on her.

Austin: ???

Me: There was crazy traffic getting to her place last night so she crashed here. She was gone when I woke up and just wanted to make sure she’s good.

Austin: Ah, got it. Thanks for looking out and keeping an eye on Indy. She doesn’t normally do the club scene and I didn’t want to leave her.

A ripple of guilt swirls through me. Shit. Austin thinks I’m looking out for Indy and I am…but the elephant in the room grows larger.

Me: No worries. All good. Lunch next week with East?

Austin: Name the day.

I shift my weight from foot to foot, wondering if I should call Indy or forget about it. In the end, my curiosity and Easton’s words win out and I hit send.



“You had sex with him?!” Claire’s eyes are so wide, they may fall right out of their sockets.

I nod, an uncertain smile locked on my face.

“Like ‘we-drank-tequila-and-now-we’re-blowing-off-some-steam’ sex or ‘I’m-ripping-your-clothes-from-your-body-and-having-my-way-with-you’ sex?”

I wrinkle my nose. “Somewhere in the middle, I’d Copyright 2016 - 2024