Sweet Rogue of Mine (The Survivors #9) - Shana Galen Page 0,31

not see? They were useless.

“She is married and lives in London,” Miss Howard said, shocking Nash to the core. “In fact, in this letter she says she has been approached by a wealthy family to teach their young son Ecriture Nocturne.”

“Ecriture Nocturne? Night writing?”

“Yes. Oh, you speak French?”

“Among other languages, yes. This is something being taught?”

“Well, Monsieur Barbier did not specifically intend it to be used by the blind. He was hoping the military or diplomatic corps might find it of use. I believe he has petitioned them repeatedly, but he does realize the usefulness it might have for the blind. He was happy to meet with me and my parents and show it to us when we were in Paris a few years ago. And then I came home and taught Anne. It took her about six months to learn it, but I can see you would learn much more quickly. Now she writes to me, and I write to her using this method. It takes longer than it might to write in the usual way, but with practice it becomes quite second nature. Are you interested in learning?” She paused but not quite long enough for him to answer.

“Oh, say you are. Mr. Payne said it would be a waste of time, but I think it will be useful for you. As I said, I wanted to find a way to help here at Wentmore, and I’m not very good with a hammer and I did not want to take cleaning work away from someone who needs the money desperately. But then my own boots do have holes and I could use a new pair. But that’s neither here nor there.” She went on, and Nash almost forgot to listen to her actual words. The sound of her voice was pleasant enough. It was low and soothing and comforting. She had a pleasant, happy tone that made him feel all was right with the world, even when he knew that was far from true.

“And then I was sewing in Mrs. Northgate’s boudoir and I had the most wonderful idea. Of course, I wish I had not had it with a needle in my hand as I stabbed my finger, and it still hurts.”

Nash heard a frustrated sigh from behind and realized Rowden must be standing in the doorway, listening impatiently to her chatter on.

“But Mrs. Northgate had a cloth at the ready, and I did not spill any blood on the ruffles I was sewing, which is fortunate because it took me almost a full day to learn how to sew them to her satisfaction.” She squeezed his hand to emphasize her struggle. “What was I saying? Oh, yes! My idea. I was still thinking about you and how I might help, and I realized I could teach you Ecriture Nocturne. And that’s when I left my sewing and came straight here. Well, not straight here. I stopped at the vicarage to fetch Anne’s letter because I thought it might be easier to show you what night writing is as opposed to trying to tell you.”

“You were thinking about me?” Nash asked.

“The mind does wander when one is sewing. I was thinking about Wentmore and new boots and you and the peacock. Have you seen him again? Well, you can’t see him, but has anyone reported seeing him? I looked for him on my way here but didn’t spot him. I suppose it has been too busy and loud. But I can already see the progress. Oh, I should put your hand down now,” she said, and placed it on the paper. Nash wished she would pick it up again. Instead, he traced his fingers over the raised points. He could not find the place where the letter began, where her name was written, but he liked to think his finger traced it.

“Rowden,” Nash said, “have you been listening?”


“I think you should hire Miss Howard.”

“He hire me?” Miss Howard squeaked. “But I thought I would teach you.”

“I can’t be your employer and your pupil,” Nash said. There was no reason he could not pay her himself, but he would rather she not be beholden to him for a salary.

“You’re sure about this?” Rowden asked.

“Absolutely. Miss Howard needs new boots, and I would like to learn this night writing.”

Rowden muttered something that sounded like a curse. “Very well, Miss Howard, shall you and I adjourn to the library and discuss terms?”

“She starts tomorrow,” Nash said. “She can come at

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