Sweet Love - Mia Kayla Page 0,9

was right. That I had a gift that needed to be shared with the world. That I could unveil my paintings and drawings, and people would actually buy them. I would definitely show her that other people enjoyed my creations. Sometimes, I believed that this exhibit I had planned was for her more than me.

I shook my head, not wanting to think of it that way. I wanted to showcase my talent. I was just sad that my father wouldn’t be here to see what I’d done.

Casey’s eyebrows furrowed. “Why are you a computer tech?” She stared at me as though I’d committed a crime.

I wanted to tell her I didn’t know. I wanted to tell her that, if anything, I hated my job, fixing computers. But I couldn’t. Not when my mother had paid my college debt and worked two jobs to do it. Not when my mother had told me computer science or engineering was the best thing I could do for my future. That, with those career paths, I’d never be without a job because someone would always want to hire me.

When I didn’t answer, Alyssa answered for me, “We all eventually end up where we are supposed to be without thinking about it. Do you think I dreamed of being a CPA at a candy manufacturer when I was younger? How about you, Casey? You work for quality and assurance because you love candy and you like to watch your employees eat it and taste it and stuff their faces with it, right?” She tilted her head and looked at her. Really looked at her.

Casey lifted her chin with pride. “Because I love this company. I believe in this company. And I wanted to do what my dad did, and I’d like to think I’m a good manager.”

“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” A guy with an arm tattoo and hazel eyes rested his elbows on our table, his beer in his hand.

Right behind him, strolling in, looking too handsome to stare at, was Connor.

“Hey, Pigtails,” Tattoo Guy said.

Casey scoffed and reeled back. She threw him, I swore to goodness, the dirtiest look that I’d ever seen her throw at anyone. Holy crap, one person who Casey didn’t like.

“Get away from me, Loser.” Her words burned like acid, but the guy didn’t flinch. “Anyway, who invited you here?”

Alyssa raised her hand. “Sorry.” But she didn’t sound sorry.

“I’m Kyle.” He extended his hand toward me in greeting.

“Charlie,” I said, introducing myself.

“Oh, I know.” He sported an all-knowing smirk, which had all of me curious.

I took his hand and gave it a little shake. Connor remained silent behind him. But his eyes were burning a hole on the side of my face, just simply watching me.

“Do you work for the company?” I asked.

“Nope. I’m just this jerk’s brother.” He tipped his chin toward Connor. “And I’m Casey’s special friend.”

Casey pinched his shoulder, and he yelped, rubbing at it.


“Shut up.” Casey motioned between Connor and me. “And you have already met Connor.”

I waved at him from my seat.

Kyle tapped Casey’s shoulder with his pointer finger, purposely being annoying. “Scoot over, Pigtails. I want to sit down.”

“The hell you are,” Casey screeched. “Sit over there.” She pointed to the other end of the room. “There’s no room here.”

“But I want to sit by you, cutie.” He lowered his tone to an overly flirty voice, and Casey’s scowl deepened.

Alyssa and I shared an amused glance.

Alyssa moved over and forced Casey to move closer to her. “Kyle, sit down. Casey, you behave.”

I was by myself in the seat, and there was only one place where Connor could sit. But he stood there, watching me, like a statue, utterly still.

“Connor?” Alyssa lifted an eyebrow and motioned to the empty space beside me. “Sit down. You’re making all of us nervous here.”

I scooted over, and Connor slipped in right beside me. He was like a heater. His closeness radiated warmth, and the warmth spread all through my body. I couldn’t look at him, so I sipped my bottle. I stared at my chipped nail polish. I stared at the lines on the table. I stared at everything, except for him.

They talked about work and about Helen—a coworker of ours I hadn’t met yet—and all I could do was sit there and listen and notice every single quality in Connor. The way he laughed in a deep baritone, that oh-so masculine intonation of his voice, the beer that he was drinking, the way

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