Sweet Love - Mia Kayla Page 0,73

out, Casey. Out.”

“Fine, but you’d better be a good guy, Connor. You’d just better be a damn good guy.”

He walked her out, and when I heard the door slam shut, I stood … mortified.

My shaky hand flew to my forehead. Omigod. I can’t believe that just happened.

“I hate my life.”

“Don’t say that.” He pulled at my hand, bringing me into a full-on hug. “They’re on your side for this one. They won’t tell a soul. Did you hear Casey?”

I had. I’d heard her loud and clear.

And I knew there would be nonstop questions, and I would have to answer them soon.

Talk about an odd conversation I so didn’t want to be having.

“You little wench. You were holding out on us all this time?” Casey said, her PB and J untouched.

I kept stuffing my mouth with food because I wasn’t in the mood to divulge information. I swore I was about to choke.

“How big is his dick?” Alyssa said. “Never mind. That’s kinda gross. I don’t want to know about Connor’s dick.”

“I saw it. It was”—Casey blushed—“pretty impressive.”

“Casey …” I didn’t want anyone talking about Connor’s impressive package.

After I swallowed the last of my sandwich, I chugged my water and stood. “Tons of work to do.”

Casey reached for my arm and pulled me to sit.

Her face was menacing, lips pursed, eyebrows scrunched.

It actually scared me, her out-of-character demeanor.

“We’ve been a good friend to you, Charlie. You know things about me … about my past that only”—she lifted three fingers, and then she pointed to Alyssa, herself, and then me—“a few people know about and about a person who should not be named. And so, I’m a little offended over here. Do you not trust us or something? If not, why the hell not?”

I sighed overly loud.

Alyssa’s face was expectant. Casey … well, if I didn’t give up the goods, then I was sure we would no longer be buddies.

This was what girlfriends did, right? They overshared.

“It’s not that I don’t trust you guys. It’s just that this …” My gaze dropped to the table, and the inside of my chest stirred with uncertainty. “What’s going on with me and Connor … it was so unexpected. And it’s also very temporary, and we both know this.”

“And …” Alyssa leaned in, getting in my line of sight.

“And what? He’s leaving.”

“So?” Alyssa prodded. As though him leaving shouldn’t change anything. “You’re in love with him,” Alyssa stated as a fact, as though she was so sure.

I reeled back as though I’d been doused with a cup of water. “I’m not.” But there was no gusto behind my tone.

“You are or else you wouldn’t be so heartbroken over it.”

“I’m not heartbroken,” I said, knowing I was lying because if I were being honest with myself, I was. I didn’t want what we had to end, but it would.

I rubbed at my temple, feeling an ongoing migraine coming on, and then I let it all out. I needed to get it out because it felt so much better to get it all out.

“I am in love with him. I mean, there’s no way I couldn’t be.” My voice was so soft that I barely heard myself.

I stared at my hands, wringing them together on the table, as my chest tightened.

Moments later, warm hands wrapped around me. It was Casey.

I peered up, and thankfully, no one else was in the break room.

Her arms wrapped around me tighter. “He’ll stay for you. He has to.”

I peered up at her, and my voice cracked, full of emotion. “He won’t.”

I knew that much. So many times, Connor had indicated that his life, his job, his friends were in New York.

“He’s a jackass,” Alyssa snapped. “Nice guy but always been a coward.”

Casey piped up, “How so?”

“All Connor’s ever done is run away from this place when this is where he needs to be. He’s a coward if he goes.” Her warm hand patted my back. “And you don’t deserve to be with a coward. No matter how big his dick is.”

I laughed but then frowned the next second later. “We have one more film before we present to Mr. Colby. I just need to get through this, and I’ll be fine.”

Because as long as Connor was still here, I knew there was impending heartbreak to follow. I couldn’t do it … I couldn’t move on with my life, and I needed to.

Casey tipped up my chin. “Right now, no thinking of Connor. You have a big event that you need to

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