Sweet Little Nothing - L.K. Farlow Page 0,72

for my bag, tugging it from my grasp.

I nod.

"Then let's go."

"Where?" I ask, hoping he'll give in and tell me.

"You'll see.”

Chapter Thirty-Three


Outwardly, I'm calm and collected; but inside, I'm second-guessing the hell out of the plans I made for us.

For the first ten minutes of the drive, Emmalyn asks questions, trying to get me to slip up and spill the details of our date. But, much to her dismay, my lips are sealed.

Eventually, the mountain view steals her attention as we drive down the winding road toward the valley. "It's just so...beautiful."

"It is," I agree, though in my mind, I'm referring to both her and the view.

Eventually, our initial destination comes into view.

"Are we here?" Emmy asks, a dubious look on her face as she takes in our surroundings.

"What? A little grocery shopping doesn't sound like a good date?"


"I'm kidding, baby."

"Oh, good." She laughs, and I kill the engine.

I rush out of the car and around to her side so I can open her door. It's weird, this sudden need I have to take care of her. But at the same time, it feels so natural that I don't question it much.

"This way." I tip my head toward a wooden stairway nestled in the foliage surrounding the lot.

She walks a step ahead of me, and I'd be lying if I didn't say my eyes were glued to her ass the whole way down.

I'm so distracted by the jiggle and sway she's got going on that I almost miss her trying to walk into the pizza place.

"Whoa," I murmur, hooking two fingers through one of her belt loops, dragging her back into me.

"Oh, okay. Not here then."

There's a little whine to her voice, and I can't help but wrap her in my arms. "I know. Mr. T's makes the best pizza, but it's not where we're headed."

I guide her to the crosswalk, linking our hands together as we dash to the other side of the street.

"The Incline Railway!" Her gaze flits from the stairs in front of us, to me, and back again. "Is this where we're going?"

"It's our first stop."

She jumps once and pumps her fist. "This is on my to-do list! I'm so excited."

"What else is on your list?" I ask, as we follow the painted-on train track up the stairs to the ticket window.

"Not much." She laughs. "Stella inspired me to make it. She has a whole college plan of things she wants to do. So I figured I'd make one, too."

"Anything I can help cross off it?"

"You already are."

"Anything else?" I ask as I hold up two fingers at the window before sliding my card beneath the glass divider.

“I’ll have to think on it.”

“You do that and then let me know. I’ll help you check every box.”

She rolls her eyes like she thinks I’m joking, but I’m dead-fucking-serious. Emmalyn’s missed out on so much, and if I can help her create some memories, some good memories, then I’ll gladly do it.

Tickets in hand, I guide her around to where we board the cable car, stopping along the way to take a touristy green screen picture.

“Oh, whoa!” she whispers as we step into the back of the car. “It’s freaking slanted!”

“Cool, right? The best seats are the front. Be careful going down.”

She stumbles a little on the way to the front, but I steady her from behind. “Thanks.”

“I know it seems sudden, but I’ll always catch you, Emmy.”

She slides into the front seat, her cheeks rosy as she processes my words.

Once the car is at capacity, the overhead speakers crackle and we begin our ascent up the mountain.

"Oh, wow," she breathes out in amazement. "What a view."

"Sure is," I murmur, staring directly at her, once again finding myself far more taken with the woman beside me than the majestic scenery all around us.

Fuck. I sound like a wus. Yet somehow, I can’t find it in me to care.

I watch Emmalyn the entire climb, hyper-focused on her as she takes in the views. I can’t pinpoint what exactly, but something about her calls to me. Even when I was trying to ruin her, I was drawn to her.

Maybe that’s why I was never able to fully wreak the havoc Rob intended for me to.

Maybe, deep down, I knew she was innocent but didn’t want to let go of Rob’s friendship.

Now, though? Now, I not only want to cut ties, I want to burn the fucking bridge.

I’m so caught up in my mind, in her, that I don’t notice we’ve

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