Sweet Little Nothing - L.K. Farlow Page 0,70


"You heard me." I place my laptop down on the cushion and stand as well. Only, my movements are slow, methodical.

"I was really hoping my eyes had deceived me. That you weren't cozying up to that little bitch."

"Watch your mouth." My voice is a growl, feral and vicious, a warning.

Rob barks out a sharp, mirthless laugh. "Whatever for? Surely you haven't fallen for the whore's innocent victim act."

"I swear to God, Rob—" I advance toward him, fully prepared to forcibly remove him from my home.

"You have." He shakes his head, his disappointment evident. "I was torn at first, you know? I thought maybe you were having sleepovers and taking her out as a way to gain her trust. But instead, she somehow gained yours."

I stop halfway to him as his words sink in, ratcheting my anger up to uncharted levels. "You...you've been following us. Spying."

A grin that can only be described as evil splits his cheeks. "Had to make sure my best friend was staying loyal. I should've known better. What's the saying...if you want a friend, get a dog?"

"Get out."

Instead of leaving, Rob unceremoniously drops back down in the chair I found him in. "I don't think I will. We have things to discuss."

"No." I continue on my path toward him. "We don't. You've outstayed your welcome and need to leave."

"Sterling, Sterling. Surely we're not going to let some pussy come between us. Especially one as subpar as Emma—"

"Don't you dare speak her fucking name." I'm on him in seconds, yanking him up by the front of his shirt as my fist slams into his face. Blood trickles from both his nose and lip, and I welcome the sight of it. A busted-up face is the least he deserves after the things he's done.

He makes no move to retaliate, but I'm too busy dragging his sorry ass toward the door to lend more thought to why. "I don't understand your fucking obsession with her, but it ends now. You will not seek her out, watch her, follow her, nothing. You won't contact her, and you're damn sure not going to hurt her."

I shove him against the solid wood of the door, holding him in place with my arm pressed to his throat, as my heart tries to beat its way out of my chest. "Do you understand me? Forget she even exists. She's dead to you."

He glares at me, malice burning in his usually dead eyes. "You're making a mistake."

Pressing my arm tighter against his throat, I look him dead in the eyes as I officially end our lifelong friendship. "My only mistake was believing you." He shoves me off of him and throws the door open, leaving of his own accord.

I slam and deadbolt the door in his wake as a million-and-one different emotions flood my system. Fear, panic, regret, anger. But more than any of those, I have a driving need to check on Emmalyn. To hear her voice, to know she's safe.

But when I grab my phone to call her, there's already a text waiting for me from Rob.

Rob: You're going to regret this.

Worry like I've never felt before shoots through me, but I squeeze it into submission long enough to block his number and dial hers.

My concern surges with every ring. Before I can think it through, I'm shoving my feet into a pair of shoes and heading for the door.

I won't let that piece of shit hurt her again. I have this overwhelming need to protect her, and I will—at all costs—even if that means kidnapping her ass and bringing her here where I can keep an eye on her at all times.

I'm about to hang up and dial her again when she answers. "Hey."

"Emmalyn," I breathe her name as relief flows through me. "You're good? You're okay?"

"Um. Yes. Are you? Not to be rude, but you sound a little..." She trails off, but I know exactly what she's thinking. I sound crazed.

"I am now." I toe my shoes back off and sink down onto my couch, my entire body melting into the cushions as the sound of her breathing through the line soothes me.

"You're kind of freaking me out, Sterling. What's going on?"

"Fuck. Nothing. Sorry."

"Obviously it's something. Please talk to me."

Sighing, I pinch the bridge of my nose and drop my head onto the back of the couch. "I-I'm overreacting. That's all."

"But over what?" Frustration drips from her every word.

"I... Rob called."

Her sharp intake of breath somehow robs me of my air as

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