Sweet Little Nothing - L.K. Farlow Page 0,61

am, I make no move to seek solid ground.

“I hope this’ll do,” Sterling mumbles as he steps back into the living room, clutching a shirt in his outstretched hand.

“I’m sure it’s fine.” I take the garment from him. “Where’s the bathroom?”

“You can use mine. It’s the door at the end of the hall.”

“Thanks.” I slide off of the couch and slink past him, feeling oddly excited to see his space. I stumble over my feet a little before gaining surer footing.

His room, much like him, exudes a sense of strong masculinity. The walls are a pale gray, save for the back one, which is a black shiplap. His massive bed is centered on the accent wall, with a warm walnut headboard, topped with a duvet fluffy enough to rival a cloud.

The room smells like him, too. So much so, that my head swims as I try to breathe through my mouth, if only not to drown in his scent.

I rush into the bathroom, and unsurprisingly, it’s every bit as high-end as the rest of his place. All smooth lines, brushed chrome, and marble, it’s a space fit for a king.

The walk-in shower calls to me, with its multiple showerheads, but the thought of being naked in Sterling’s space sends a tendril of fear through me. Not because I think he’d hurt me, not anymore at least. It’s just...something about it makes me feel unsettled.

I kick off my boots and peel off my socks before ditching both of my tops and jeans. I waffle on my bra, ultimately deciding to keep it on. It may not be comfortable to sleep in, but it’s an added layer of protection and modesty, both of which I’m willing to suffer a little for.

The shirt fits well enough, with the hemline falling just past mid-thigh. The real issue though, is it smells like him. If I thought being in his room was bad, it has nothing on this. Every single thread is permeated with his all-male scent, as if it’s woven into the very fibers.

I make quick work of folding my clothes then rejoin Sterling in the living room.

Heat flares to life in his gray eyes when he sees me. “Jesus. You look...” He rubs a hand over his face, shakes his head, and then returns his attention to me. “You can set your clothes on the bar if you want.”

“Thanks.” My eyes drop to my bare toes. I can’t help but feel self-conscious. And him leaving me hanging certainly isn’t helping. “So, what now?”

“Want to watch a movie?”


“C’mon.” He starts leading me back toward his bedroom, and immediately my hackles rise.

“Where are we going?”

“Just trust me, little mouse.”

“My, what sharp teeth you have,” I mutter under my breath as I follow him, praying with every step it’s not to my doom.

“This isn’t some ploy to trick you, Emmalyn.” He pauses in the doorway to his room, leaning against the frame. “The television’s in my room.”

“Oh.” Come to think of it, I didn’t see one in the living room. Weird, but not nefarious. “Okay.”

“Go on and get cozy. I’m going to change.”

And just like that, my nerves are back full force.

He waltzes into the room, disappearing into his bathroom without sparing me a backward glance. Which, I guess, I’m grateful for. At least I don’t have an audience as I wrestle myself into the room and onto his bed.

You can do this. Breathe. Just breathe.

With reluctant steps, I cross the space to his bed. Not even ten minutes ago, I was wondering at the fluffiness of his duvet, and now I’m peeling it back to climb beneath it.

The events of tonight are nearly enough to short-circuit my brain, but when Sterling steps out of the bathroom in nothing but a pair of gray sweats, I’m pretty sure my motherboard fries itself entirely.

“What are you in the mood for?” he asks, moving past me to the other side of the ginormous bed.


He leans over and pats the mattress. “Movies. What are you in the mood for?”

“Oh. Um.” I scramble beneath the covers when his gaze dips to my legs. It’s even softer than it looks. “Something funny, I guess?”

“Have you seen The Big Lebowski?”

“I don’t think so.”

“I think you’ll like it.” He studies me for a minute. “Unless you’d prefer a chick flick?”

“What’s it about?”

Sterling grins. “It’s about The Dude.”


“You’ll see.”

I settle back against the fluffy pillows, unease still swimming within me, while Sterling queues up the movie.

As the opening scene unfolds, I find myself very

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