Sweet Little Nothing - L.K. Farlow Page 0,44

never realized there was more to you than sharp barbs.”

“Funny girl.”

“I think so.” I lean back against the seat and roll my head to the left to look at him. His profile is so stupidly handsome it sends a rush of flutters through me. “What are you doing with your degrees?”

He sighs. “I’ll join dear old mom and dad in the family business.”

I blanch at the mention of his parents. Rob lawyered up when I came forward against him, and Mr. Abbot ruthlessly represented him.

Thank God we never went before any kind of judge, mostly because my mom told everyone I was a liar with an overactive imagination. But I don’t doubt for a second that he would have annihilated me in a courtroom.

“Right. Why aren’t you in law school then?”

“That’s a good question,” is all he says before changing the subject. “Are you going to the football game this weekend?”

I want to poke and prod him for a truthful answer, but I let it go. “Yeah, we’re going to watch Gabe.”

He white-knuckles the steering wheel as he turns onto the twisting road that leads back to campus. “Maybe I’ll see y’all there and you can introduce me.”

Jesus, it’s like I’m in The Twilight Zone. “Maybe.”

“What? You don’t want your friends to know me?”

“I just figured you’d be with your friends.”

“Well, maybe I’d rather be with yours.”

Yep. Definitely in The Twilight Zone. He’s so convincing, it’s almost as if he actually wants to hang out with me.

“Okay, Sterling. If that’s what you want.”

“You have no idea what I want, little mouse,” he mumbles under his breath.

We fall into a semi-companionable silence after that, with only the sound of the radio between us.

Before I know it, Sterling rolls to a stop in front of my dorm, proving Gabe and Zach slightly right... because how else would he know where I live?

“Thanks for lunch,” I say self-consciously as I fumble to unlatch my seat belt.

“Thanks for joining me.” Sterling grins my way and before I can realize his intentions, he leans in and presses his lips to my cheek. “I’ll see you Thursday.”

I stumble from his car in a daze, wondering not for the first time what his end game is.

Chapter Twenty-One


“You ready for today?” Stella asks, her hair wrapped in a towel and a mask on her face.

We both woke up earlier than usual—me to study a little more and her to primp.

“Nope.” I nod. “Yes.” I shake my head. “Maybe? My God, I’m a mess.”

“Talk to me.”

It’s hard to take her seriously with green goop all over her face, but she’s trying her hardest to be there for me. “I don’t know. Sterling really threw me a curveball. Between kissing me and then being nice… I just...” I huff out a sigh. “I don’t know.”

“Well, you already know I think he’s into you. Or at very least wants to get in to you.”

“You’re crazy.”

“Undoubtedly. Also, irrelevant. Wanna know what else I think?”


“I think you should make the most of it. He wants to be nice and let you retake the quiz? Good. Ace it, and move on. Keep your guard up, but use this to your advantage, you know?”

“Yeah, it’s just. Ugh!” I flip my laptop closed and bury my face in my hands. “He’s making me crazy.” It’s true, too; Sterling Abbot is driving me to insanity. Or at the very least, sleep deprivation.

It seems like all I’ve done over the past day and a half is study and overanalyze every single moment between Sterling and me.

“Babe, don’t let him get to you like this. Walls up?”

“Walls up.”

“Good. Now, I’ve gotta rinse this mask. Go forth and kick ass.”

“I’ll try.”

“There is no try, only do.”

“Okay, Yoda.”

Stella points to the green mask covering her face and winks before flouncing off to the bathroom.

Left to my own devices, there’s nothing to do except obsess. At this point, I’m annoying myself. But all I can think about is what if this is just another cruel trick? What if he’s setting me up to fail again?

Unable to stand my own whining, I throw on a hoodie, pack up my messenger bag, and head out. If I hurry, I should have time to grab a coffee before class.

Holy Roasters is packed, per usual, but I still have twenty minutes to spare.

For the first time in a long time, it feels like things are finally going my way. If only I could shake off the feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop.

At the

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