Sweet Little Nothing - L.K. Farlow Page 0,22

you you were a big baby. And babies get punished.”

“I’ll scream,” I threaten.

“Do it. No one will hear you.”

Stella’s eyes are damp as she asks, “Did he leave you?”

“Yeah.” I tug my sleeves down to cover my palms, using the soft cotton to wipe my tears. “He did.”

“How long?”

“Until the next morning.”

“What?” Stella shouts, outraged.

“Yeah, and because I missed dinner—he told my mom that I refused to come downstairs, and she was too lazy to check on me—so she punished me by not letting me eat the next day.”

“What in the hell is wrong with your family?”

A bitter laugh escapes me. “This was only the start.”

Stella cringes. “I’m so scared that I already know where it ends.”

I stare blankly ahead, not answering.

“Emmy, did he... did he hurt you?”

“Are you asking if he hit me?”

“And other... stuff...”

I give a sharp nod, and she bursts into tears, crying as though my hurts are her own.

“Oh, Emmy. I’m so sorry.” She reaches out, as if to hug me, and while I’m not a huge fan of physical contact, I lean into her embrace and let her comfort me. “You don’t have to tell me anything else, but I’m here if you ever want or need to talk. Or even just to cry. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere.”

“Thanks,” I whisper, tasting the salt of my tears.

After several long minutes, she releases me. “I have to ask...”


“Where does Sterling fit into all of this?”

“He’s Rob’s best friend.”

“So, it’s some bro-code thing? Because, babe, that’s some bullshit.”

“Yeah, it is.” I nibble on my lower lip, debating whether or not I want to say more. “After Rob...after he...no one believed me. Everyone turned against me, even my own mother. Everyone back home says I ruined Rob’s life. When in reality, he’s the one who destroyed me, over and over.”

Stella places her hands to my cheeks, holding my gaze on hers. “You. Are. Not. Broken. Do you hear me? You’ve survived unspeakable things. You’re not broken, or damaged, or a victim. You’re a freaking survivor, and some white-collar loyal lapdog isn’t going to take away or degrade everything you’ve worked so hard to overcome!”

Her cheeks are rosy, and her chest is heaving by the time she finishes. Her words aren’t empty; they’re a vow, and the power behind them settles over my soul like a balm.

For the first time in a long time, I truly have someone in my corner... someone who gets me. And my God, it’s good to be got.

Chapter Eleven


I’ve been counting down the hours until today’s class.

A twisted sense of pride at her easy defeat has me wanting to pound my chest.

I emerged from our first battle the victor, and while the taste was sweet, I want to win the war.

“Hey, Sterling,” a blonde coed coos as she enters the classroom. I’m kicked back behind the podium, waiting to see if my little mouse is going to show up today. I nod, both in greeting and as a subtle dismissal—one blondie isn’t picking up on.

“I was wondering, do you offer tutoring? I’d hate to fall behind.”

“It’s the second day of class,” I deadpan, cocking my head to the side, studying her. She’s a looker with perky tits, tan skin, big blue eyes, and glossy blonde hair.

She’s also got mean girl written all over her, and as shitty as it makes me, I’m already weighing her usefulness. She twirls a strand of hair around her finger and bats her obviously fake lashes. “Of course. This class is so important.” She licks her lips and drags her eyes over my body. “And I’m always down for a little extra credit.”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell her no, but alienating her certainly won’t endear her to my cause. Instead, I lean in, just enough for her to think I’m interested. “I’ll keep that in mind...” I trail off, waiting for her to offer her name.

“Summer,” she says.

“Perfect, Summer. I look forward to calling on you in class.”

She grins, like I’ve offered her a ride on my dick.

I turn back to the papers I have gathered on the podium, hungry anticipation for Emmalyn’s arrival gnawing at me.

At the last minute, she strolls into the room with her head held high and a small smile on her face.

Well, that won’t do.

Thanks to her late arrival, most of the seats are full. She heads toward an open seat in the center of the room. As she moves down the aisle, her bag knocks into Summer’s

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