Sweet Little Nothing - L.K. Farlow Page 0,100

couch so that I'm here if she needs me again.

Except the next thing I know, it's morning, and we're both blinking ourselves awake.

"Sterling?" She yawns, confusion swirling in her brown eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"You don't remember?" I ask, and she shakes her head.

"Remember what?"

"Stella called me last night because you were having a nightmare and she couldn't calm you down."

"Oh." She looks away from me.

Ever so softly, I reach over and grasp her chin between my thumb and index finger, bringing her gaze back to mine. "What have I told you about hiding from me? Don't be embarrassed. You've been to hell and back more than once and somehow come out stronger every time."

"I don't feel very strong."

"You are. So fucking strong. You just can't see it yet, but you will."

"So Stella called you? I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. Don't you know I'd do anything for you?"

"Thanks, I guess." She pushes the covers off of her and sits up. "Might as well make you breakfast since you're here. It's the least I can do."

"What's on the menu?" I ask, following her into the kitchenette.

She swings open the fridge door, and I shamelessly check out her ass as she bends over and looks inside. "Well, unless you want water and bread, we better order in."

I laugh at her put-out tone. "Or, I can run out and get us something from Holy Roasters."

"Really? You'd do that?"

"You know I would."

She closes the fridge and wraps me in a hug, shocking the hell out of me. "Thanks, Ster."

"Anything for you, baby." And I fucking mean it...


Chapter Forty-Four


After Sterling leaves, I head back into my room to get changed out of my pajamas. When I emerge, Stella's at the counter pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"So… I had a nightmare?"

Stella yelps and rocks back on her heels, clutching her mug to her chest. "Yeah, you did. It scared me."

Guilt and shame are pressing on me, making me feel about an inch tall. A fact my best friend doesn't miss.

"Don't feel bad, Emmy. It's understandable, you know?"

"Yeah, I know." And I do, but that knowledge does nothing to make me feel any better. "Why did you call Sterling?"

"I didn't know what else to do. But, babe, the second he was next to you, you calmed down. You stopped thrashing and crying and screaming, just curled into him and went right to sleep."


"Yes, and when I tried to comfort you, it just made things worse."

I'm not quite sure how to process what she's saying, so I stay quiet.

"Speaking of, where is he?"

"Oh, he went to get us breakfast. For you, too."

A cheek-splitting grin overtakes her face. "I'm telling you, that man is a keeper."

I glance down at my feet, wriggling my toes over the plush rug. "I know he is. I'm just worried I'm not."

"Emmy. He loves you, and you are so worthy of his love. Do you hear me? You deserve good things and to be happy and healthy. Are you gonna..." She swallows and looks away.

"Am I going to what?"

"Are you gonna see a therapist or anything?"

My eyes water. There's such a freaking stigma surrounding mental health, and in my family, it's better swept under the rug. And certainly never talked about. It's part of the reason, aside from the hell Rob put me through, that I wanted to go into the psych field.

Still, it feels strange to talk about it all so openly. "Yeah. Yes, I am. I know I need to."

"Good. I'm really glad. So where is he getting breakfast from?" she asks, mercifully changing the subject.

"Holy Roasters."

Stella does a little fist pump and drains the last of her coffee. "Don't need this anymore, but don't want to waste it either."

I can't help but laugh at her antics. "Never waste coffee."

"Precisely," she says, right as someone knocks on the door.

"That must be Sterling," I say as she heads to the door. "His hands are probably full."

Stella opens the door, but it’s not Sterling on the other side.

“Abigail, is everything okay?” Stella asks, but the red-headed RA rushes past her and wraps me in bone-crushing hug.

“Oh, my God! I am so glad you’re okay, Emmy!”

“Um.” I glance at Stella over her shoulder. “Thank you.”

“I was there,” she whispers, nodding her head toward the bathroom door. “With Sterling, when he…when we…”

Realization dawns. “Oh wow. Um.” Embarrassment now trumps all other emotions warring inside me. “I’m so sorry you had to see that.”

“Emmy.” She grasps my shoulders and waits until I’m looking her in the

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