Sweet as Honey (The Seven Sisters) - By Caitlyn Robertson Page 0,73

but equally the thing she’d hated most too. Gradually, the fact that he didn’t care about the things that mattered to her—namely earning and saving money to enable her to have the lifestyle she wanted—came between them, and eventually she’d grown to loathe his carelessness and his apathy, as well as his insane self-belief that someone would somehow recognise his writing ability and turn up on his doorstep offering to publish his book for millions of dollars.

To give in now, with Reuben upstairs in their bed, would be wrong, foolish, immature and even a little pathetic.

Still, she was tempted, just to taste that passion, that wildness, one last time.

But Chase must have seen the hesitation in her eyes. He dropped his hands, picked up his wine glass, finished off his wine. Gave her one last, regretful, hungry look. Placed the empty glass back on the table, and left the room, heading for the elevator.

Tears stung her eyes. It would never have worked, she told herself as she started to collect her wrap and bag, ready to return to Reuben.

You’ve done the right thing.

So why did it feel so wrong?

Read the rest of Daisy’s story in Daisy Chains (The Seven Sisters: Book 2)

Due for publication in September 2013

Caitlyn Robertson


Caitlyn Robertson also writes racier romance as Serenity Woods. If you enjoyed Sweet as Honey, you might also enjoy His Christmas Present by Serenity.

Megan Green fell in love with Dion Wallace when she was nine years old, but she hasn’t seen him since she was fifteen when he moved from New Zealand to the UK to be with his father. Meeting up with him in Prague eight years later is both a surprise and a relief when he rescues her during one of her panic attacks. On the rebound after a breakup, she turns to Dion for comfort and some hot sex, and he’s happy to oblige. But when the night ends, they’re both certain it’s the last time they’ll ever see each other.

A year later, however, Dion’s life is falling apart. After a decade of hard work, he thought he was next in line to be CEO of the family company, but his father surprises everyone by giving the job to one of his half-brothers. Angry and hurt by his dad’s betrayal, Dion books the first available flight to New Zealand, hoping a few weeks away might give him some perspective. And if he manages to hook up with Megan again while he’s there, he figures that might be the medicine he needs.

Megan’s brother—and Dion’s best mate when they were young—hasn’t told her Dion’s coming. It’s not clear who’s the most shocked when they finally meet. Megan isn’t expecting to see the father of her new baby quite so soon, and Dion certainly wasn’t expecting such a big Christmas present. Angry that his life seems out of his control and that she didn’t tell him she was pregnant, Dion refuses to acknowledge the baby. It’s only when he finds out that his father wanted him to put love above business, and after he reconnects with Megan on Christmas night, that he finally comes to term with having a son and realises that it’s Megan he’s wanted all along.


It was the nineteenth of December and eighty degrees in the shade.

After years of living through cold northern hemisphere Christmases, Dion’s brain struggled to compute the bizarreness of his new surroundings. The tarmac on the road shimmered in the hot sunshine, and Sean had switched on the car’s air con to combat the high humidity. In December! It just didn’t make sense.

Also, while flying from one side of the world to the other, Dion had crossed the International Date Line and somehow lost an entire day. How the hell had that happened? Had he actually travelled back in time?

Sean signalled and took the road to the town centre before glancing across at him. “My mother would say ‘if the wind changes, your face will stay like that.’”

Dion continued to frown as he stared out of the side window at the lush, sub-tropical landscape of the Northland of New Zealand. “It looks so alien,” he murmured, studying the arching palms and large, vibrant flowers. How odd that it appeared so unfamiliar considering he’d lived there from the ages of eight to eighteen. He remembered collapsing in bed late on Christmas Eve as a teenager, listening to the sound of cicadas outside his window, his skin hot and crisp from a day spent in the sun and

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