Sweep of the Blade (Innkeeper Chronicles #4) - Ilona Andrews Page 0,100


“We will do our part. But why won’t the Krahr simply bring additional numbers to overwhelm the other Houses?” Dil’ki had asked her as they strolled through the Maven’s Gardens. “It would avoid the loss of life.”

“It’s about face,” Nuan Cee had said, drawing his paw-hand over his muzzle. “One must never lose it.”

“It’s a challenge,” Maud had explained. “The Kozor and the Serak hope to accomplish an incredible feat, worthy of the old sagas. The response from the Krahr must be equally heroic. They will reject any numbers advantage. This isn’t just about winning. This is about winning against the odds. Every moment of this wedding will be recorded.”

“Do the vampires of Krahr truly believe themselves to be that good?” Dil’ki had asked.

“Yes,” Maud had told her.

The royal sat quietly now, clad in the diaphanous veils and glowing jewelry of her kind. Her warriors waited around her, all a saturated, even color. Despite what was coming, the tachi were at ease.

At the other side of the hall, Clan Nuan, in their best gold and jewels, all wearing soft silky aprons, chattered and giggled without a care in the world.

The Herald announced Ilemina and Otubar. The hosts entered the hall last, according to tradition, and Ilemina and Otubar walked to their table, Ilemina elegant in her ornate armor and Otubar stalking next to her like a hulking krahr in a bad mood, while the Herald barked out their titles: Supreme Predator, Killer, Destroyer, Marauder, Slayer…

Maud wished with all her heart that she could hug Helen again. She left her on the planet. The battle station was no place for a child, especially if things proceeded as expected. She had to do what she did best: survive. Eliminate the threat and go back, to her daughter, her future husband, and her new home.

Easier said than done.

Arland approached. She felt his presence, rather than saw him, and turned. He towered above her in full syn-armor with a crimson cloak that made him seem even more enormous. His blood mace rested on his hip. He’d pulled his long blond hair from his face and secured it at the nape of his neck, and his features looked carved from granite, his blue eyes hard and cold. A Marshal in every sense of the word, meant to inspire fear.

He held out his arm to her. “Ready, my love?”

“Yes.” She put her hand on his wrist, her fingers light as a feather.

They entered the long narrow hallway leading to the banquet hall, moving in step.

Ahead the microphone-enhanced voice of the Herald recited their titles, booming through the room.

“Arland Rotburtar Gabrian, son of Kord, son of Ilemina, 28th Heir of Krahr, Lord Marshal of his House. Bloodmace, Bone Crusher, Ravager of Nexus, Destroyer of the World Killer. Kill count of two hundred and twenty-four.”

Maud caught their reflection in the polished walls. In it a strange woman glided next to Arland, wearing black armor and carrying a blood sword, a narrow crimson sash of the Maven wrapped around her left shoulder, crossing over her collarbone and draping over her right shoulder to trail behind her to the floor. She was graceful and strong, and walked next to a vampire prince like she belonged there.

A giddy, electric anticipation surged through her. They were walking to a fight. Finally, an end to all the pressure. One way or the other, it would be decided. Her lips threatened to curve into a smile, and she forced an arrogant cold mask over her face. Today she was Cinderella and her sword would be her glass slipper.

“Matilda Rose, daughter of Gerard, daughter of Helen, Lady and Heir of Demille, Maven of House Krahr.”

The hallway ended, and they strode into the banquet hall. The entirety of the room was watching them.

“Maud the Red, the Sariv, the Learned One.”

They were approaching the table where Onda and Seveline sat. Both women were staring daggers at her.

“Kill count of sixty and eight.”

A muscle in Seveline’s face jerked. That’s right, precious. I’m coming for you.

Arland led her to their table, directly behind the one occupied by the parents of the bride and groom. The two couples had arrived just this morning for the happy occasion.

She took her seat, keeping her face flat. Behind them, the Herald was announcing the next guest.

“Alvina, daughter of Soren, daughter of Alamide, Lady Renadra, Karat, Commander of Krahr…”

Maud sipped the light mint drink and watched the hall fill. Finally, everyone was seated.

Twelve vampire women entered the hall, moving in a column two abreast.

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