Anna and the French Kiss(134)

He stares at me so hard that I’m afraid I’l stop breathing. I gather my courage and lace my arm through his. I lead him away. We walk for a block, and I ease him onto a bench beside a café with pale green shutters. A young boy, sitting inside, tugs at the curtains and watches us. “Tel me about your father.”

He stiffens.

“Tel me about your father,” I repeat.

“I hate him.” His voice is quiet. “I hate him with every fiber of my being. I hate what he’s done to my mother and what he’s done to me. I hate that every time we meet, he’s with a different woman, and I hate that they all think he’s this wonderful, charming bloke, when real y he’s a vicious bastard who’d

sooner humiliate me than discuss my education rational y.”

“He’s chosen your col ege for you. And that’s why you didn’t want to talk about it.”

“He doesn’t want me to be near her. He wants to keep us apart, because when we’re together we’re stronger than he is.”

I reach over and squeeze his hand. “St. Clair, you’re stronger than him now.”

“You don’t understand.” He pul s his hand away from mine. “My mum and I depend on him. For everything! He has all of the money, and if we upset him,

Mum is on the street.”

I’m confused. “But what about her art?”

He snorts. “There’s no money in that. And what money there was, my father has control over.”

I’m silent for a moment. I’ve blamed so many of our problems on his unwil ingness to talk, but that wasn’t fair. Not when the truth is so awful. Not when his father has been bul ying him his whole life. “You have to stand up to him,” I say.

“It’s easy for you to say—”

“No, it’s not easy for me to say! It’s not easy for me to see you like this. But you can’t let him win.You have to be smarter than him, you have to beat him at his own game.”

“His own game?” He gives a disgusted laugh. “No, thank you. I’d rather not play by his rules.”

My mind is working in overdrive. “Listen to me, the second that woman showed up, his personality completely changed—”

“Oh, you noticed, did you?”

“Shut up and listen, St. Clair. This is what you’re gonna do. You’re going back there right now, and if she’s stil there, you’re tell ing her how happy you are that he’s sending you to Berkeley.”

He tries to interrupt, but I push forward. “And then you’re going to his art gal ery, and you’re tell ing everyone who works there how happy you are that he’s sending you to Berkeley. Then you’re cal ing your grandparents, and you’re tell ing them how happy you are that he’s sending you to Berkeley. And then you’re tell ing his neighbors, his grocer, the man who sel s him cigarettes, EVERYONE in his life how happy you are that he’s sending you to Berkeley.”

He’s biting his thumbnail.

“And he’l be pissed as hel ,” I say, “and I wouldn’t trade places with you for a second. But he’s clearly a man who believes in keeping up appearances.

So what’s he gonna do? He’l send you to Berkeley to save face.”

St. Clair pauses. “It’s mad, but . . . it’s so mad it might work.”

“You don’t always have to solve your problems alone, you know.This is why people talk to their friends.” I smile and widen my eyes for emphasis.

He shakes his head, trying to speak.

“GO,” I say. “Quick, while she’s stil there!”

St. Clair hesitates again, and I push him up. “Go. Go go go!”

He rubs the back of his neck. “Thank you.”
