Anna and the French Kiss(123)

Isla speaks up. “Amanda was goading her—”

“Amanda was defending herself!” Nicole says.

Amanda touches her nose and winces. “I think she broke it. Anna broke my nose.”

Did I do that? Tears sting my cheek. The blood must have been a scratch from one of Amanda’s fingernails.

“We’re all waiting, Mademoisel e Oliphant,” Nate says.

I shake my head as Amanda launches into a tirade of accusations. “Enough!” Nate says. She stops. We’ve never heard him raise his voice before.

“Anna, for goodness’ sake, what happened?”

“Amanda cal ed Mer—” I whisper.

He’s angry. “I can’t hear you.”

“Amanda cal ed—” But I cut myself off when I see Meredith’s blond curls hovering above everyone else in the crowd. I can’t say it. Not after everything

else I’ve done to her today. I look down at my hands and gulp. “I’m sorry.”

Nate sighs. “Al right, people.” He gestures to the crowd in the hal . “Show’s over, back to your rooms. You three.” Nate points at me and Amanda and

Nicole. “Stay.”

No one moves.

“Get back to your rooms!”

Sanjita makes a hasty exit down the stairs and everyone else scrambles away. It’s just Nate and the three of us. And Isla. “Isla, go back to your room,”

he says.

“But I was here.” Her soft voice grows braver. “I saw it happen.”

“Fine. all four of you, to the head’s office.”

“What about a doctor?” Nicole whines. “She total y broke Amanda’s nose.”

Nate leans over and inspects Amanda. “It’s not broken,” he says at last.

I exhale in relief.

“Are you sure?” Nicole asks. “I total y think she should go to a doctor.”

“Mademoisel e, please refrain from speech until we get to the head’s office.”

Nicole shuts her mouth.

I can’t believe it. I’ve never been sent to the principal’s office! My principal at Clairemont High didn’t even know my name. Amanda limps forward into

the elevator, and I trudge behind with increasing dread. The moment Nate turns his back to us, she straightens up, narrows her eyes, and mouths this:

You’re going down. Bitch.

Chapter forty

The head gave me detention.