Sutton and the CEO Forever (Bedding the Billionaire #5) - S. Cinders Page 0,48

Their chemistry was off the charts.

Natalie fished her cell out of her purse and called Sutton.

“Hey, girl, just got the twins down for a nap!”

Natalie swallowed, “Well, I got on a private plane with Julio, and now ten hours later, I am somewhere in Kent with his Nan. I am freaking out, Sutton.”

Sutton blew out a breath, “Have you been drinking?”

Natalie barked out a hysterical laugh, “No, but maybe I should be?”

“Look, did you get any rest? You’re probably exhausted.”

Natalie nodded, “Yes, I am tired and hungry. His Nan made bangers and mash, whatever that is, and I saw pictures of him when he was a child.”

Sutton paused, “Natalie, tell me honestly, what did you call for? Do you want me to tell you to stay away from the man?”

It was nice that Sutton knew immediately what Natalie needed.

“Yes, remind me how hurt I was before and that I am making a massive mistake.”

“Well,” Sutton drawled, and Natalie could just picture the teasing glint in her eyes. “I think the man deserves another chance. He has been amazing with the twins, and you said he was fantastic with Gina and Marco’s girls. He has worked his ass off around town, fixing things that don’t even need to be fixed. Natalie, if you don’t want him, you need to tell him. And if you do, snatch him up before somebody else does.”

“Thank you,” Natalie’s voice was small.

“Did I upset you, Sweetie?” Sutton asked in concern.

Natalie sighed, “No, actually, you said everything that I’ve been saying to myself. I am going to give this a chance—a real chance. I better let you go. They’re going to think I fell asleep in the bathroom.”

Natalie wrapped up the call and then straightened her shoulders, grabbed her purse, and opened the door. Julio was standing a few feet away, looking worried.

“Is everything alright?”

Natalie nodded, her smile breaking across her face, “Perfect.”

“Don’t just stand there gawking at each other. Either kiss the girl or come and eat.”

Julio flushed at the sound of his Nan’s admonishment.

“It’s not a half-bad idea,” he said, moving closer, trying to sense her mood.

Natalie tipped her face up, “What are you waiting for?”

Her lips met his in a slow surrender. It was tender and sweet but had enough heat to dampen her panties and cause all of her senses to heighten.

Julio glanced up and noticed that Nan had made herself scarce. Natalie’s eyes were still closed, and he couldn’t help but capture her lips again. This time with a little more force, opening her lips and tasting her for the first time in far too long.

Her hands clung to his waist and her curvy body molded into his hardened frame. He couldn’t help the growl of satisfaction that escaped him. He knew this was right. This was what he had been missing.

Her tongue curled around his, and she pushed herself further against his chest. He felt the hardened points of her nipples and was tempted to yank her into his childhood bedroom and finish what he had started.

But Nan was waiting just around the corner, so reluctantly, he moved his head back.

“Wow,” Natalie breathed. “I thought perhaps that I had made things out to be better than they really had been.”

His eyes crinkled as he broke into a wide smile, “Well, did you?”

“My memories pale in comparison with the real thing,” she breathed.

And then she brushed past him, making sure her hand brushed across the full length of his hardened cock.

Julio let out a muffled curse, and Natalie laughed as she went into the kitchen to ask Nan if she needed any help.

He had to stand there in the hallway like a fool for another five minutes before he was decent enough to join the ladies in the dining room.

Everything had been placed on the table to eat family style. There were no servants or maids, even though Julio insisted that someone come in once a week for the deep cleaning Nan couldn’t get to anymore.

Nan extended her hands to say grace, and Natalie took the older woman’s gnarled hand without a second thought. It was a moment Julio knew he would never forget. He cursed his younger self for being so stupid. He should never have kept them apart. He had worried Natalie would judge the way he had been raised.

He had been a fool. But it seemed that fate was finally going to give them the second chance he’d been waiting for. And he sure as hell wasn’t going to Copyright 2016 - 2024