Suspicion At Sea - Amie Nichols Page 0,20

when I see the large bulge in his pants. It does something to me, something I've never experienced. It turns me on so much I think I have a tiny orgasm, making the heat on my face burn even more.

I giggle like a schoolgirl. A nervous 'oh my' type of laugh.

“You like that?” He chuckles with me. I just nod, putting my hand up to my mouth to try and stifle the laughter. “You're very lucky there are children present, woman, because you wouldn't be laughing. You'd be screaming my name in pleasure,” he says with a dark intensity in his eyes. His words make me want that very much. Biting my lower lip, I see him watching my mouth. It is definitely time to go when I don't care who's present, and I want him to make me scream his name.

I get up and brush the sand from my butt, knowing that my white t-shirt is clinging to me. I see the husband of the family now sitting on a beach towel has noticed it also. Justin glances from me to the man and his jaw tightens. I cross my arms in front of my chest avoiding the dirty look I'm getting from the wife and walk toward the Jeep holding in my laughter.

Apparently, the attack of jealousy he had from the thirty-something husband was enough to rid him of his excitement, because he climbs into the Jeep just seconds after me.

“I think I should get back. I don't have my phone and I should check my messages.” I fight with myself, not wanting to leave him but I feel it's best. I feel like I could fall for this guy easily, and that is not the smartest thing for me right now.

He just nods. It is obvious he is disappointed, but God love him for not pressuring me because it wouldn't take too much effort on his part. There's a very small thread holding my integrity together at the moment.

We drive back in silence, the wind drying my clothes and my hair as we go. I can just imagine what it looks like right now and gather it in my hands to put it in a messy pony tail using the hair tie around my wrist.

Around three p.m., we stop on the roadside of the B&B.

“If you're not busy tomorrow I have something I would love to show you,” Justin says before I climb out of the Jeep.

“Umm,” I hesitate for a moment.

“Consider it more sightseeing.” He tilts his head to the side giving me a pleading look that makes me laugh.

“I would love that.” What the hell. What else am I going to do? “Do you have a pen? I'll give you my number.” He's so cute as he scrambles, searching the Jeep for a pen and finally finding one in the glove box. I take his hand and turn it over to write my number on his palm. I don't want to let go of him, so I take my time writing the digits neatly. Handing him back his pen, I slowly let go of him then step out of the Jeep.

“Ellie,” he yells as I reach the sidewalk. He gets out, walking to me and bends at the knees to be at eye level. Taking my face in his hand, he lightly kisses my lips then stands straight, giving me a dimpled smile that is so big it melts my heart. Yep, I'm screwed.

“Bye,” I whisper, turning back toward the B&B and walking slowly. My knees feel weak and I don't want to face plant as he watches me until I'm safely inside.

I get in my room and turn on my laptop. While it's booting up I use the bathroom. As I exit the bathroom, I see the door to my room is open. I could have sworn I locked it when I came in. I go to the door and glance up and down the hallway lit by sunlight streaming through the window at the end of the hall. It is empty. I shut and lock the door, throwing the chain on as well for good measure. Why am I so suspicious? Last night I felt as though someone was watching me when I looked out the window, then the man on the bench, now this. I must have not latched the door.

The shrill ring of the room phone makes me jump.

“Ah, for crying out loud. Ellie, get your shit together,” I say out Copyright 2016 - 2024