Surviving Regret - Megan Smith Page 0,165

the park.

“You want to tell me what’s going on with you and Hunter?” she asked.

No, but I had to do it.

It is probably better to start at the beginning—the fights with Mason, Hunter’s arguments and stress, Dom’s help. Mom listened, just as she always did.

“I wish things didn’t end like they did,” I said. “Mason, I think, finally got his head out of his ass about us, but it’s a little too late now.”

“It’s not too late if you don’t let it be. I know you love him,” Mom said.

I started crying and sunk onto a nearby bench. “Mom, he’s going to hate me for what I did. He is going to think I’m trapping him. I don’t know how I’m going to be able to tell him.”

She sat down next to me and hugged me to her side. “Tell me what’s going on, baby girl.”

I took a deep breath. I wiped the tears from my eyes and held her gaze.

“I’m so sorry, Mom. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I’m pregnant.”

Mom blinked, letting the words sink in. Disappointment crossed over her face, and then realization as to what I just said hit her. She didn’t say anything for a while; I started shaking. Was she upset, mad? I needed her to say something, anything.

She took my hand, I sighed. Maybe things would be ok. I could deal with her being upset with me. I was upset with myself.

“MacKenzie,” she squeezed my hand. “You had such a bright future ahead of you. I’m not saying you can’t have that now, but it’s going to be a struggle.” A few tears fell from her eyes. “I didn’t want this to happen to you. I’m disappointed, but it has happened and now we have to deal with it. We, sweetie, not just you. Your whole family is here for you.”

The tears are flowing freely now. She wrapped me in her arms and shushed me.

“I take it you haven’t told anyone yet?” She asked, running her hands through my hair.

“Chloe, Hailey, and Dominic.”

“Dominic?” I knew she would be surprised.

“Yeah, he’s actually the one who bought me the test.”

Nodding at me, she said, “You need to tell Hunter. This isn’t something you can hide from him. If he doesn’t want any part of this, then it is what it is, but I don’t think that will happen. Your family is here for you, and before you even ask, yes, they are going to be upset over this, but no one will turn their backs on you or my little grandchild in there.” She said as she rubbed my stomach.

I wiped the final tears out of my eyes. “I love you, Mom.”

“Aww, I love you too, baby girl.” She said hugging me back. “Have you called the doctors or anything yet?”

“No. I have no idea what I need to do.”

She took my hand in hers and helped me up. “Well, first thing we need to do is call and make an appointment to see the ob-gyn. They will have you take a test in the office and will also do some bloodwork.”

I smiled. “Sounds good.”

Mom stopped walking and gave me another apologetic smile. “You are going to have to tell your brothers and your father. I’ll be there with you.”

“Well, Mason was pissed at me already, so I might as well add this to his list of reasons now. I just hope he doesn’t murder Hunter. I know Coop and Jackson will be upset with me. And Dad, ugh I don’t even want to think about it.”

“We will get through it as a family, sweetie.”


Mom was able to pull some strings and got me an appointment for Monday morning to see the ob-gyn. They confirmed that I was indeed pregnant and did some bloodwork to confirm how far along I was. They told me I would have the results back in a day or so. Until then, I stayed clear of everyone.

Wednesday night, Mom and I decided to get some ice cream and sneak off to the bookstore to find some books on pregnancy. Chloe surprised us back at the house with a few things for me as well, and we went into the sitting room to talk about the wedding.

“Chloe, I’m going to look like a whale in your wedding. I really would just rather do something else special for you,” I said.

“Oh no, I need you there with me,” she said. “You are my maid of honor and you cannot back Copyright 2016 - 2024